Selfishness. Is it good or is it bad? We are taught to view it as something bad, something that we should choose not to be so that it will not negatively reflect our character. But what if I told you that being selfish is actually a good thing? What if I told you that by choosing not to be selfish is negatively impacting your health? What if I told you that when you choose to not be selfish, you’re robbing yourself of true happiness?
Would this change your perspective on what it means to be selfish?
To be honest yes, there are times and moments when we should not be selfish. There are moments when it does negatively reflect upon our character, and it clearly states what our morals and values are. Entitlement my friend, is never a good look. However, if you’re being selfish for the sake of loving yourself unconditionally, then by all means be selfish!
In this sense it does not reflect negatively on your character. If anything, it’s a reassuring sign of what your true morals and values are, and even more importantly what your mindset is like. Being selfish doesn’t always have to have a negative connotation to it. It took me years to understand this. In honor of vowing to be more selfish and love myself more, here are my top reasons why selfishness can sometimes be ok.
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