Of course, there are countless society pressures and influences that draw our attention to what it does or does not mean to be healthy. Unfortunately, outside of what your body looks like, as a society we tend to determine health by a person’s weight. An assumed weight that is, since of course we are all conditioned to look at specific body types and assume that they may or may not be carrying a healthy weight.
This drives me insane because with the sometimes-toxic perspective that we as a society hold about what a healthy weight/body type looks like (especially for women), it often drives people to want to lose weight for all the wrong reasons.
Just to clarify, I do 100% believe in everyone having the right to do whatever it is that they want and are comfortable with doing with their bodies. That goes for men and women.
What bothers me is when anyone’s reasoning behind a weight loss goal is strictly influenced based on society’s views and definition of what is healthy and beautiful. When you allow society to tell you that your body type is equal to an unhealthy weight, and you create weight loss goals based on what society has told you (and not your doctor), this can make it very hard for you to achieve your goals.
If weight loss is a goal of yours, something that you have been striving to achieve for a while, or maybe just something you are considering doing just to feel more confident in your own skin, this post is for you.
As a health and wellness coach who wholeheartedly supports caring for all areas of your health in a safe, supportive, and holistic way, here is the right way to set weight loss goals (if you want to be successful with doing so). [Read more…]