When starting a fitness journey, it’s important to allow yourself time to mentally, physically, and emotionally transition into this new lifestyle. Whether this is to lose a certain number of pounds, build muscle all over your body, or to improve a specific area of your body, you must allow yourself time to get there.
We often think that the fastest way to get the fitness results that we so desperately desire is by going on a diet immediately, or joining a gym that we will never 100% commit to. Do not do this or else you will be setting yourself up for failure! Instead, make a commitment to adopt a new lifestyle and leave your old habits behind.
In today’s post I’m going to share with you three ways you are approaching your fitness journey wrong and how you can fix it.
When starting a fitness journey what are goals that you set for yourself right off the back? Maybe it’s to lose a certain number of pounds, to build muscle all over your body, or possibly to even improve a specific area of your body. Whatever your fitness goals may be, build a lifestyle around it instead of committing to temporary practices.
Jumping into the newest diet trend or paying a month gym membership when you don’t even like going to the gym, is not the right way to start your fitness journey. Especially if you want to see results that are not going to be temporary, but are going to last. When we adopt the mindset of having to immediately start a diet and join a gym, we are potentially setting ourselves up for failure right off the back. This is because we are thinking of achieving fast and immediate results, and not necessarily the lifestyle commitment needed in order to truly be as healthy as we possibly can be.
I’m here to help you ditch these old habits! Here are three fitness mistakes you may be making and how to fix them.