I love a good sweat session! There’s nothing like moving your body as a means to take care of yourself and knowing that all the sweat your building up is because you’re being physically active. Not only does this feel so good mentally and physically, but emotionally as well.
For a while now exercising consistently has been my greatest source of release. Especially when I’m feeling super stressed and overwhelmed! There’s nothing like releasing all that tension and built up negative energy in a workout that is going to make you sweat. Especially when you sweat, because sweating means that you really are putting in the work.
Now don’t get me wrong. There are many moments when I would much rather not sweat. Like when I’m going on nice walk, I’m sitting outside reading a book, or even when I’m just at home watching a movie. In very simple moments like that I do not like to sweat. In my mind there’s no rhyme or reason.
And yes, I will go to great lengths to prevent myself from sweating as a result of lack of physical activity. However, when I’m sweating because I’m being physically active, I embrace it completely! This is because I know for a fact that I put in a lot of effort to achieve some small goal, and the sweat is validation for me to know that it was 100% worth it.
But this post isn’t about sweat. I know you’re wondering where I’m going with this topic so let’s not stall any longer.
With sweat, especially after a workout, may come some pain. The good kind of pain though, the type of pain I encourage you to embrace. I’m talking about the pain you feel when you know your muscles are tightening because you just crushed your workout.
For so long I never really knew how to get rid of that pain. After a workout I would literally just lay out on the bed and wait for the paid to subside. However, earlier this year I made a commitment to myself to better my health in all aspects. That included the way in which I recovered after a workout. [Read more…]