Hey there! Have you been having a tickling throat as of late? Or maybe you have a cough of some sort? Possibly the chills or a fever occasionally? If yes well honestly, it’s no surprise. The cold and flu season is upon us after all, and that means for some of us our immune systems are at risk!
Every year I always manage to get sick during this time of year. Thankfully it has always just been the common cold, and occasionally strep throat (which really sucks), but never the flu. In my defense though I usually only ever get sick after someone else in my household has been sick.
This year my nephew caught the bug first. I’m not sure where he got it from, more than likely from school, but he got sick bad. When I took him to the doctor, he said that he was in the beginning stages of pneumonia. Shortly after that learning of that I began to get sick. I too thought that I was going to be in the beginning stages of pneumonia, which would not have been fun because I’ve had pneumonia before, and I promised myself that I would never put myself in a position to get that sick every again!
Thankfully I wasn’t. My throat just ended up being really sore, I had a really hard, thick, and dry cough, and every time I ate something, I would end up just throwing it up.
Of course, stubborn little old me never went to the doctor to find out what was wrong with me. Instead, I decided to take a more natural way of curing myself from this cold. After making sure that my nephew had his medicine and was good to go back to school the following week, I started to focus on some small changes I could make in my daily health and wellness routine to beat this cold. [Read more…]