I have a confession guys and I’m almost afraid to admit it.
Week two of the Blogilates challenge for me has been a bust. I only worked out once this week, and I did not participate in any clean eating at all.
Now I know last week I talked a big game about how I fell off the wagon and was going to get back on it, and I still am. It just so happens that it wasn’t supposed to happen this week. And yes, I’m bummed about my lack of motivation and energy to see that pep talk through, but hey I’m only human.
So don’t scrutinize me yet!
Though I completely fell off this week it wasn’t a total waste. I thought I knew a lot of my negative patterns and behaviors, but this week I really had an eye opener for how I fall into these patterns. I also discovered, though I know somewhere deep down inside I already knew, that the things that were influencing these patterns are key factors to being and feeling your best every day.
What were those key factors? I was not getting enough sleep at night. My water intake was poor. And I was not nourishing my body with anything throughout the day. [Read more…]