We’ve all been there. In fact, I’m currently, yet again, at this place in my life right now. I’m talking about the place in our life when we are taking on too much all at once, though it may be for greater reason and purpose, but we’re not doing a fantastic job managing it all. Do not feel ashamed if you are currently at this place in your life because it’s totally normal.
Life is meant to be lived. It’s a journey that is meant to create challenges for us, create moments of despair, and most certainly create opportunities for betterment. The reality of this thing called life is that, we can’t manage it all in a calm and peaceful manner. At least not most of us anyways. I know for a fact that I cannot. So what do we do about it? Do we just accept the chaos of everyday living? Or do we find ways to thrive in the chaos of everyday living?
I’m going with option 2. Find ways to thrive in the chaos of everyday living.
Here’s why I’m selecting option 2, and why I’m highly recommending and encouraging you to do so as well. There is this belief that when someone is thriving in life it means that everything is going right. You’re do well at your job, you’re doing awesome in school. Maybe your relationship is the best it’s ever been, all your dreams are coming true. Whatever it may be the point is that there are a lot of really good and positive things happening in your life.
While this is and can be considered thriving in life, this is not the only way to thrive in life. I’m a firm believer that you can thrive even in the mist of chaos. Maybe you aren’t doing so well at your, but your personal life is the best it’s ever been. Or maybe school is challenging you in very specific and demanding ways right now, but your support team is keeping your spirits about getting through this rough patch alive. Yes, even when things aren’t going as we hope they are, we still have all the potential in the world to thrive in those situations. [Read more…]