If you’re anything like I use to be, when you’re having a bad day you probably allow it to turn into a negative ripple effect that may result in you having a bad couple of days, a bad week, or maybe even longer than what it really should be.
Here’s the thing. Bad days are bound to happen every once in a while, no matter how well things may be going for us. What we fail to realize in the moment is that a bad day is just one day.
That’s it.
It’s just one day.
And that one day does not define the rest of our lives. So, we shouldn’t allow that one bad day to create a negative ripple effect that lasts for a period of time. Instead, we should acknowledge that today isn’t our day, take things as a sign of changes that we may or may not need to make in our lives, and just strive to have a much better day the following day.
Easier said than done trust me I know! But as someone who has had many bad days, and many negative ripple effects as a result of one bad day, I’ve picked up some tips to help me bounce back from a bad day. These tips not only help get me through the day, but they also help me set the intention of having a much better day the following day.
I’m talking putting that negative ripple effect to a stop immediately!
Today I’m going to share with you a few of my favorite tips that help me bounce back when I’m having a bad day. I hope you enjoy! [Read more…]