We may get ambushed with a bunch of responsibilities that we were not anticipating, we may find that we aren’t able to engage in activities that we may have been looking forward to, or my personal favorite, that nothing listed on the agenda gets completed for the day.
To be honest when things do not go as planned, I freak out majorly! And by freak out majorly I mean I immediately start having a panic attack and my anxiety and stress levels shoot through the roof.
As you can imagine at this point, I’m a nervous wreck. The younger me would have sworn it was the end of the world, and all my days were quickly coming to an end. The older me knows much better and has learned how to simply roll with the punches.
Since turning into a mad woman when things become out of my control has not resulted in the best results for my health and happiness, I’ve learned how to effectively lower my stress levels when things don’t go as planned. This is such an important skill to have because there really are so many negative health effects that result from stressing.
I’m talking negative health effects such as headaches that seem to never go away, high blood pressure, heart problems, unfavorable skin reactions from the output of negative energy (such as a rash or breaking out in pimples everywhere), stress can further worsen your anxiety, and can even lead to depression.
These are all things that we want to avoid for our health.
When you apply skills and methods that can effectively help you lower your stress levels, you are lowering your chances of experiencing any, plus more, of these negative health effects. And since health is wealth, and I care about your health and want to help you improve it in any way that you possibly can, I’m going to share with you my top ways to reduce stress in your everyday life. [Read more…]