What does body positivity mean to you?
I hear so many different perspectives on this topic all the time. I’ve heard that to be body positive means that you accept yourself as you are and don’t go out of your way to change anything about you. I’ve also heard that to be body positive is to encourage other women to achieve a healthier health status such as to lose weight (this one I’m not so sure about). These are just a few of the things that I’ve seen online.
I’ve even heard that only women can be body positive. In other words, it’s a woman’s thing.
I’ve heard a lot of things about what it means to be body positive both in the online world and outside of it. Some of it are good perspectives that I agree with, others are what I would consider to be perspectives that are just downright ridiculous. So, I’m curious as to how you may define what it means to be body positive, and do you think this is something directed only towards women.
I believe that body positivity is not simply black and white. It’s not one specific thing minus a ton of other specific things or vice versa. Rather I believe it’s a combination of a ton of important factors minus one big major factor.
Curious to know my thoughts? Well I’m anxious to share them! Check out what I have to say down below. [Read more…]