Anxiety and depression can be debilitating at times. It can drain us completely of energy, make us feel bad about ourselves, and most importantly it can drive us to new heights of insane. Trust me I’ve been there and find myself traveling to this dark and lonely place more times than I’d like to admit.
I have major, major anxiety and it’s a battle that I deal with on a daily basis. Something I have noticed over the years is if I don’t take the time to care for myself when I’m feeling extremely anxious, it intensifies. When my anxiety is going out of control if I don’t engage in some form of self-care, depression will slowly begin to creep in. when depression creeps in, I’m glued to my bed for at least a week…
And that’s not good let alone fun.
All this to say that self-care is very, very important. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, whether or not you have depression or suffer from anxiety, it’s a part of our health and wellness that needs to be a priority in our lives. If you can relate to what it feels like to be overwhelmed anxiety or depression, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to share with you some effective ways to manage your depression.
You don’t always have to rely on medication or therapy to make yourself feel better. Sometimes the best medicine is how you choose to care for yourself in a positive and healthy way. If you would like to know more I’ve got a unique list of self-care activities that are sure to help you with managing your depression. [Read more…]