Let’s face it we all have our lazy days. Those days when we literally don’t want to do anything productive. We don’t want to shower (admit it), clean, cook, go to work, exercise, take care of the dogs, go above and beyond for the kids, or anything that is going to require us to put in some effort to accomplish a task.
I’m talking about those days where you just want to lay in bed all day eating junk food and watching Netflix.
Sometimes those are the best days, but those are also the days when we cheat ourselves the most out of really caring for ourselves. This is because instead of doing something that will help us improve our overall health in some way, we opt for doing absolutely nothing. Which if we’re going to be honest is the true definition of what it means to be lazy.
But here’s the thing. We can have lazy days and still make a point to do something that will better our overall health. These activities don’t have to be long, over the top amazing, or even super interactive. They can be small and very simple little things that you do for no more than 10 minutes.
Sounds crazy I know but believe it or not there are so many simple things you can in 10 minutes or less to improve your health. Trust me I know because I spent years telling myself that there wasn’t. Flash forward to now and I have proven myself wrong! There is literally so many simple things you can do that don’t require a lot of effort, is low productivity, but will still help you get closer to your health and wellness goals.
Continue reading to learn about my favorite tips and simple activities that help keep me in good health on my most lazy days. [Read more…]