Being alone can be hard for a lot of people to conquer, be comfortable with, accept, and even for others to understand.
But I think that allowing yourself to be alone sometimes can be a very good thing. It can be healthy for the mind and strengthening for the soul. We spend a lot of time surrounded by others. May it be at school, at work, at home, or even when we are just out and about like at an amusement part of the grocery store.
But very rarely do we ever find a single moment in the day to just be by ourselves. I’m talking absolutely no one is around. The only noise that is present is the noise that you are creating. The only person you can talk to is yourself (which can be a good thing by the way).
You are alone, in complete solitude.
Or maybe your solitude is being surrounded by people, everyone is different.
But really what I’m getting at is allowing yourself time to be alone with your thoughts and your emotions. This serves as an opportunity to check in with yourself. Reflect on how you’re really feeling, where you are in your life, any personal changes you have made, and any areas in your life where you may need improvement.
I call this mental health day. [Read more…]