Fun fact: I’m more of a night owl.
However, for some odd reason I always find myself operating as if I’m an early bird. Which in all reality I’m not. I would so much rather be up all night and sleep all morning, than to be up early in the morning and sleeping during normal hours. Not that there is anything wrong with sleeping during normal hours, because there isn’t. If anything, I applaud the people who prefer to sleep during normal hours, and who actually sleep during those hours. Sleep is a very important part of our health and our mind, bodies, and souls will always thank us when we get a full 8 hours of sleep.
However, my body just doesn’t function like that and if I’m being honest I’m actually really happy that it doesn’t. I’m happy because as I mentioned getting a full 8 hours of sleep is good for our health. With the crazy busy schedule that I have going on currently in my life I need to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night. Most nights I’m able to get a full 8 hours, but at the very least if I’m going to have a busy night with playing catch up with school, I strive for 6 hours.
Even though I am more of a night owl I’m happy that my body prefers to wake up and greet the day early in the morning. I’m happy because as much as I enjoy being awake watching Netflix at 2:00am, the fact of the matter is that it’s a struggle for me to even make it that far into the night these days. I always find myself trying to stay up at night simply because it’s the only time during the “day” when I get to have a little bit of me time. However, every night it always fails because I’m usually in bed well before 1:00am. [Read more…]