Honestly, I’m not mad about it either.
I’m such a huge believer in the idea that a big part of personal development is evaluating important areas in our lives that need a transformation of some sort. Transformations can and do happen in various areas of our life and health, and look differently across the board.
Knowing the areas in your life that may need to undergo a transformation is an indicator that you are ready for positive changes to occur in your life.
Changes can be scary but they can be very rewarding. Sometimes when changes are needed within ourselves it’s because we have outgrown one area of our life, and the things that were once fulfilling those moments are no longer serving us. So, we look for changes that are needed that can replace the sterile feeling of nothingness and make our lives feel purposeful and meaningful again.
Changes come in many different waves in our life, and they impact various areas of our lives in unique ways. As a holistic wellness coach, I believe that the most important areas of our overall health and life that we experience the most significant transformations are in our mind, body, and spirit. These are our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual areas of our lives.
When we experience changes that lead to significant transformations in these areas, we can improve our lives for the better. Here are some ways that undergoing a transformation for your mind, body, and spirit can positively transform your life.
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Transformation of the mind
Our mind is the home of all our thoughts and feelings. It the source of how we formulate our responses to things, the way we choose to react to situations, and where our emotions as a response to various experiences originate from. It is the host of the entire body.
The way we care and nurture this area of our health, greatly influences the way we are able to care and nurture all areas of our health.
A transformation of the mind is the gateway to experiencing positive changes in our mental and emotional health. It can lead to helping us make more thoughtful decisions, responding appropriately emotionally to various situations, and open us up to seeking out positive transformations in other areas of our life. When we are healthy mentally and emotionally, we have the ability to be healthy physically and spiritually as well.
However, undergoing a transformation of the mind is not an easy process. This is because it’s a journey that requires you to dig deep, confront your greatest fears and insecurities, and commit to yourself to stay in the constant flow of change no matter how tough it may become. Not everyone is capable of doing so simply because the process can be very challenging.
This often causes people to give up far too soon before results from the smallest of transformations in this area can appear.
However, experiencing positive changes in this area of your health, and having the desired commitment to see it through until the transformation completely unfolds, can be life changing in many different ways. Having a transformation of the mind opens yourself up to experiencing transformations in all areas of your life, which could potentially transform you as a person, and change the way you navigate through your life.
If you’ve ever felt as though it’s been challenging achieving specific goals in your life, moving from one stage in your life to another, making commitments to things that are meaningful to you, expressing yourself unapologetically, or even living a very selfless life, it may be because you are so closed off mentally and emotionally.
This is often a sign of a disconnect emotionally not only with yourself, but with others as well.
Connection is the key to everything we do and experience in life. All of our experiences have some kind of an emotional connection to our lives. All of the relationships and bonds we form with others has an emotional connection to that person. Even our interests, career goals, deepest desires, and greatest aspirations all have an emotional connection to us.
The key to opening yourself up to experience a transformation of the mind is to acknowledge the emotional connection you have to the world and to allow yourself to feel that emotion completely. Only then can you begin to work through mental blocks, work on increasing your emotional intelligence, and be open to working on other important areas of your overall health.
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Transformation of the body
Naturally when we think of a transformation of the body we think of physical changes. Maybe this is losing or gaining weight, building muscle, changing the way our hair looks, for some plastic surgery, playing around with fun make-up looks, or whatever the case may be. When we think physical, our brain automatically associates this word with something that our eye has to be able to see in order to identify the change that has occurred.
Well, here’s the kicker.
While a physically transformation is something that the eye can see, a transformation of the body does not always mean physical changes. A transformation of the body is all the changes that are happening on the inside and reflecting on the outside. The best way to think about this is to think about your diet.
When your diet is poor you see the results of your food choices through your weight, acne on your face, the health of your hair, the color of your nails, and even in your energy levels. When your diet is good you see the positive changes in various areas of your physical appearance. For example, your hair is healthy which means it’s not dry and brittle, you will have less acne, your nails won’t be brittle or a weird shade of yellow, and you’ll have more energy than you did before.
This is because you are changing the way you fuel your body from the inside.
A transformation of the body is not about how your physically appearance will appear to others. It’s about what you are doing on the inside that is allowing for the positive results others are able to see on the inside. Transforming the body from the inside out starts with identifying the changes that you believe are necessary to make for yourself.
For most people this starts with changing your diet. Removing heavily processed, greasy, and junk food from your diet will drastically change your appearance on the outside. Another popular change is with increasing the amount of water you drink daily. Again, so many positive changes are happening on the inside that influence the positive changes people are able to see physically on the outside.
Other transformations of the body include exercise, sleeping patterns, the way you manage stress, the kind of company you keep, and the number of hours you commit to work versus your personal life. This can even include the way you choose to live your life, goals you are setting and achieving, and so much more.
What I love most about a transformation of the body is that it’s not only a matter of what you are doing to change everything that is happening within you, but it’s also a clear reflection of what you are allowing to fill your life. So much of everything we do in life is energy, and energy has a direct impact our overall health.
When the energy is negative it negatively impacts our health on the inside. We may be sick constantly, feel drain of energy, have stomach issues, chest problems, and so much more. When the energy is positive, positive influences happen through and through, and we get the pleasure of applying that positive energy on the outside parts of our life.
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Transformation of the spirit
Finally, and perhaps the most important transformation of our overall health, is the transformation that happens with our spirit.
The best thing about this area of our health is how it directly connects and influences the other two key areas of our health. Our spiritual health is what helps keep the balance between our mental, emotional and physical health. This is because all of our energy rests in this area.
Remember, everything we do in life is energy.
The way we interact with people, the type of activities we participate in, the career goals we aspire to have, our thoughts, our emotions, the way we move through the day, our sleeping patterns…all of it is energy.
Energy is restored effectively when we allow ourselves to rest. Often times we only truly allow ourselves to rest when we are doing things that help relax and calm us. Therefore, a transformation of the spirit is the physical act of engaging in activities that help us restore balance within ourselves.
This of course looks different for everyone, as it should. Part of it is because of what we as individuals consider to be restorative activities for us personally, and another part is due to having the tolerance and discipline needed to engage in specific activities for long periods of time.
Therefore, the best way to care and nurture our spiritual health is to engage in various self-care and self-love practices routinely.
For me this is meditating, journaling, exercising, setting boundaries when and where needed, constantly checking in with myself, and having a morning and nighttime routine that I can be consistent with. These are some of the things that help keep me balance and restore energy within myself. These are some of my favorite self-care and self-love practices.
This may look different for you, and that’s ok. The goal is to restore and maintain balance within your mental, emotional and physical health. Therefore, you have to engage in activities that make sense for you. Doing those activities consistently is what will ultimately guide you to begin transforming your life and overall health spiritually.
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An all-in-one transformation
As mentioned at the beginning of this post undergoing a transformation in any of these areas can be challenging.
Mainly because anything that is worth doing and having will never come easy. The other reason is because it’s a constant push and pull experience that often times makes you stop and question what you’re doing, and why you’re even doing it.
This is why I created the Mind + Body + Spirit Transformation Program.
To help you navigate through the many different changes in these three key areas of your health that may be often more challenging when doing it by yourself. This program means so much to me because it’s an exact replica of my personal journey with my mind, body, and spirit transformation that has allowed me to be the healthiest version of myself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Here’s what you can expect to receive from the Mind + Body + Spirit Transformation Program:
- A 90-day mind, body, and spirit sprint to help you get quick results (1 month of focus for each area of your health)
- 3 weekly coaching sessions (plus more if you would like, remember this is a year-long program)
- You will develop the skills needed to create a self-care/wellness routine that works for your lifestyle
- You will develop the skills needed to manifest your best dream life (it’s time to give yourself everything you have ever wanted)
- You will be given the tools needed to help you set and achieve purposeful and meaningful goals (this is key to your success in anything that you do in life)
- Weekly tips or affirmations delivered personally (via email) from me to you
- Access to a private Facebook group (for accountability, support, and encouragement)
- Access to The Wellness Planner (for personal accountability, self-progress reflection, and mindfulness activities)
- Unlimited access to your coach outside of scheduled coaching sessions
- Unlimited support and guidance from your coach throughout the year
- Bonus: A hard copy of the “I Am Woman: A Guide to Living an Empowered Life” Book (value $15)
- Bonus: A F.O.C.U.S. Workshop sprint (1 month+)
- Bonus: 2 weekly coaching session for any workshop of your choice for the rest of the program (see workshop options below)
Bonus Workshop Options:
- Goal Setting Workshop (a continuation of the goal setting process)
- Mindfulness Workshop (expand your mindfulness skills and abilities)
- Focused Workshop (an expansion of the F.O.C.U.S. Workshop)
- Manifestation Workshop (a continuation of mastering the art of manifestation)
If you’re ready to being your transformation and would love to have the necessary guidance, help, and support along the way, then reach out to me to get started. You can send me and email at Kimora@KimoraChanel.com or visit this link to get started.
The best thing you could ever do for yourself is to make your overall health the number one priority in your life. When your mental, emotional, and spiritual health are in check this allows you to show up more effectively for yourself and others.
Choose to be that person.