Whatever the case may be, I’ve got news for you!
No matter how out of touch you may feel with yourself, how lost you may seem about what to do with your life or the path you should be taking, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. That light represents your future and all the potential that exists inside of you and is waiting to be set free. Embracing it and allowing it to wash over you can and will help you level up your life in so many ways.
As someone who has allowed her greatest insecurities to hold her back from living her happiest and most fulfilling life, I can’t express enough how much of a saving grace walking towards that light, facing that light, and choosing to be the light, can be in your life. There were so many doors and opportunities that opened for me when I started to choose my own value and happiness over what others valued about me or thought happiness in my life should look like.
So much of my life changed for the better, so many dormant parts of me came to life, and so many areas in my life got the upgrade that it desperately needed. Now, I’m unapologetically walking in my purpose every single day, and I’m constantly finding new and creative ways to help others do the same.
As you can imagine doing so was by no means an easy journey. However, having the right system in place helped me get to where I currently am in life mentally and emotionally. I’m going to share that system with you so that you too can get to where you are currently striving to get in life. It’s time to level up!
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Engage in mindfulness
I’m no stranger to mindfulness and it’s no secret how much I love it. Mindfulness is simply the act of being more mindful about your presence in the world, and how outside forces influence your everyday living. This includes your emotions, thought patterns, the type of activities you participate in, and even the type of people that you consistently interact with.
Engaging in mindfulness can and will change your life in so many ways.
Mindfulness can help you level up your life by helping you take ownership of all the things you are currently allowing into your life. Are you allowing negativity? Toxic people? Are you allowing yourself to constantly feel defeated and de-valued for all that you have to offer? Engaging in mindfulness can help you overcome these feelings, thoughts, and situations.
The art of mindfulness allows you to really dig deep into the areas in your life that you are not giving as much time and attention to. In doing so you open yourself up to exploring more ways in which you can foster those specific thoughts, feelings, or areas in your life to be more mindful of what it needs more of to thrive. Mindfulness is also a great skill that can help you focus your attention better on one task at a time, and to really be present in that moment with that specific task.
This is a great skill and tool that can help you level up your life.
Mindfulness can open your eyes to the way you are currently living your life and how that way of living may or may not be holding you back from growing into your full potential. All it takes is one topic, one specific task, and a little bit of time during your day. Zero in on something whether that’s a thought, a feeling, or a specific action, and allow yourself to be completely present in that moment.
Take that moment in for all that it is worth. Notice every little detail that is presenting itself to you in that moment and stay with it for as long as you can. As I always state, practicing mindfulness is no easy task, but it is one that can provide so much meaning and purpose to your everyday life.
Set meaningful goals
Goal setting is one of the best ways to level up your life.
Goals have so much meaning, and purpose and they can really help bring to light the things that are the most important to us. Goals provide a roadmap for what it is that we want to accomplish, and for how we plan on accomplishing that goal. This also means that they can help hold us accountable for rewarding ourselves with changes in our life that have significance.
While setting goals is a very important skill to have it’s not always easy to be motivated to do so. This is because a lot of the time we aren’t even sure of what it is that we really want in life. We tend to only look at life on the surface and notice all that we either do or do not have. It’s not often that we take the time to dig deep and be honest with ourselves about what we need to feel as though we are building a life that is fulfilling.
This is where setting goals can help you paint a clear picture of what your happiest life looks like. What are things that complete your life? Who are the people that make it feel whole? What are you doing on a day-to-day, weekly, or even monthly basis that brings you joy? You must dig deep and acknowledge what is present and what is still missing in your life, then create a roadmap for how you will go about accomplishing those things, in order to feel complete within yourself.
Setting and achieving goals is no straight and narrow path. The perfect system to doing so is to be very clear and realistic about what it is you want, and then identify what you can do to get it all. Create a step-by-step guide. Break your bigger goal up into smaller goals that can be achieved through immediate actions every single week. Little by little it will all start to come together and build upon one another and before you know it, you’ll be right where you want to be.
It can be hard to see the bigger picture and plan an effective way about how to work towards your goals. However, when you take the bigger picture apart and you engage in smaller actions to help you put the bigger picture back together, it’s a lot more attainable and manageable. All it requires is a little bit of patience and a whole lot of commitment.
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Practice manifestation
This is by far the most life changing habit that can help you level up your life almost instantly.
Manifestation is a new trend that has been picking up a lot of speed over the past few years. The act of manifestation is speaking to the unaversive what it is that you want or desire, and then allowing the universe to gift it to you when the time is right. Since this is not a practice that encourages instant gratification you must be patient and faithful with yourself about receiving what it is you want.
I’m a firm believer that if we tell the universe what it is we want or need, it will give it to us when we are ready for it. How do we do this? There are tons of ways that you can practice manifestation. I have found the best practice for myself to be writing down in full detail what it is that I want, and then either praying or meditating on it daily until it is mine.
Manifestation is a practice that can help uplift you in ways that may be making it hard for you to see past what is right in front of you. Often times when we think about the future, we think at most 5 years into the future, 3 years for most people, but very rarely ever beyond that. I have come to discover that it can be hard to envision your life 10 years down the road when you are unclear about what it is you want now.
You must know what it is you want in your life right now and would love to have stick around many years from now, to continue to dream big and create a life that is purposeful for you. When you identify what your current wants, needs, or desires are only then can you begin to manifest it all into your life. Level up your life through the practice of manifestation.
Speak into existence how colorful you want your life to be, and what the pictures are you want to color those colors with. Be clear and specific with your vision and intentional with your tongue. This is not a practice that can be lazily engage in and expect amazing results. You must put in the effort, time, commitment, and dedication for the amazing results to slowly surface into your life.
Get focused
The last thing that you can do to level up your life right now is to get focused on what it is you truly desire. This act combines all three of the previous tips discussed above. Engaging in mindfulness, setting goals, and practicing manifestation are all tools that you can add into your toolbox to help you get focused about how you are going to build the life you love. It’s so easy to engage in these tips and just do the bare minimum.
However, if you really want to see your life flourish you must be consistent with engaging in these tips. You must be focused and intentional about the way in which you approach these tips, and how often you engage in them in order to see real changes happen in your life. Getting focused on what it is that you want and desire, and then allowing yourself to work towards it, will keep you accountable for working towards the bigger picture.
A key part to leveling up your life is understanding that you can’t achieve or receive all that you want in a day. It’s going to require you to plan out a path to help you get there, as well as instill sustainable habits to help you stay motivated, focused, hopeful, and accountable for getting there.
It’s not a straight path that will lead you from point A to point B. There will be plenty of twists and turns, roadblock, hurdles to overcome, and changes in direction, but if you’re focused about what it is you want then there’s no stopping you from getting it.
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Leveling up your life is a matter of knowing the ways in which you would like to see your life change for the better. It also requires a commitment to yourself to see the process through until the very end. If you need help with getting started on your level up journey, I have a couple of workshops that will serve as the perfect start for you.
These workshops all have a centered focused on mindfulness, goal setting, manifestation, and adopting a focused mindset. Together or individually these workshops will help you clear the clutter from your mind, your heart, and your life so that you can start implementing actions that will honestly reflect the life you are striving to build for yourself.
Together these workshops will help you move to a more purposeful and fulfilling life that brings you much joy.
The workshop schedule that will happen weekly is as follows:
- Sundays: Goal Setting Workshop
- Mondays: Mindfulness Workshop
- Tuesdays: Focused Workshop
- Fridays: Manifestation Workshop
Be sure to follow me via social media so that you can tune into these free workshops every week currently for the month of April.
Leveling up your life is one of the greatest joys you could ever gift yourself. It doesn’t matter where you currently are on your journey, there is always time for you to start building the life that you love. Create a life that has meaning and purpose, that brings you happiness and joy, and that feels complete and fulfilling. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does start with making the decision to make those changes now.
Make the decision, do the work, and enjoy the rewards. How will you start leveling up your life today?