Now before I hype this skill up anymore more than what I already am, I want to make something very clear about the power of manifestation. Yes, manifesting can help you create the life that you love, and attract all the things in life that you desire much faster than not doing it. However, doing so does not mean you stop putting in all the hard work to get it. You still have to make a commitment to work towards all the things you want in life.
Manifestation just helps to keep you focused on what matters most, and will guide you directly to where you need to be. Think of manifestation like a giant puzzle. Your greatest desires are the millions of little puzzle pieces, while the life you want for yourself is the finished picture. Actively working towards the life that you desire is you putting those pieces in their rightful place. Manifestation is the glue that helps keep all the pieces together in their individual places.
There is a lot of inner and outer work that comes with the act of manifesting, but it’s a routine that makes all the difference in how you receive something that is meant for you. I’ve been practicing a daily manifestation routine for the past two months, and I’ve seen such a huge difference in all areas of my life.
It is because of the amazing benefits I’m am receiving from manifesting that I wanted to share with you my best tips for starting a daily manifestation routine, as well as how this practice can change your life for the better.
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At this point I bet you’re wondering what is a daily manifestation routine, and what does it look like? A daily manifestation routine is a daily practice that you have in place where you regularly engage in manifestation. You engage in the act of manifesting all the things that you desire in life. Whether this is a significant other, your dream job, a house, or even a solution to a long-term problem, manifesting is the practice of bringing forth what your heart truly desires.
Think of manifestation as a practice that is meant to serve you in ways that other skills and routines you have can’t. The routine part of this is doing it consistently (like daily) so that you can actually see the benefits of doing so.
To be honest there is no right or wrong way to start a daily manifestation routine. In fact, a lot of people who manifest do so in many different ways. The key to manifesting is finding a practice that works best for you. For me its engaging in a specific routine daily, for others it may be something as simple as saying a prayer.
Regardless of what others may or may not do, I’m going to share with you how I manifest the life that I desire daily. Check it out below!
1. Set your intention for the day
This is the very first thing that you are going to want to do when creating a daily manifestation routine. It’s so important to have a very clear understanding about what you intend to achieve for the day. I like to make sure that I’m as clear and specific with my intentions as I possibly can be, so that there is no room in my day for questioning what I’m doing.
Intentions are important because they help set the tone for your day. When you wake up and you know what it is you want to work towards, it gives you a purpose for everything you do in the day. I like to think of intentions as smaller goals that help us reach the bigger ones. The more intentions you set throughout the week, the closer you get to your overall goal.
How does intention setting align with manifestation?
When you set an intention and you allow it to navigate you through the day, you’re engaging in the first part of manifestation. That’s knowing what it is you want to achieve. In order to manifest something, you have to be clear and specific about whatever it is you want. You have to know what you want, what it is your heart desires, in order to know when you receive it.
Intentions are a great starting place for identifying what your true desires are in life, or what the missing puzzle pieces may be that are preventing you from feeling whole. It’s also a very simple action that will help you in the routine process by helping you develop the habit of doing setting intentions routinely.
2. Identify your why behind your desires
Now that you’ve made the commitment to setting an intention for the day, the next step is to identify your why behind your intention. You never want to do something just because. Always have a reason for everything that you do and want out of life. This will help make the manifestation process much easier because you’ll actually be manifesting things that have meaning to you.
All too often we have a desire for things that we think will improve our lives in some way, or make us happier. We’ll, I’ve got news for you. A lot of the time what we think we may need or want to feel fulfilled is the exact opposite of what we truly need. We learn how to trick ourselves into thinking “if only I had…” or “my life would be so much easier if…”, when the reality is having what we think we want or need does not make us whole.
If anything, it only makes us feel even more empty inside. This is because we strive or crave things in life that have no meaning or value to us. In order to discover your why behind your intentions you need to spend some time understanding what it is you truly want. This is why setting your intention for the day is so important.
If your intentions are reflective of things that are important to you, then uncovering your why behind it should not be hard. Once you find what your why is, take that over to the manifestation table. This will make your manifestation process stronger because you are manifesting what you want from an authentic place in your heart.
Your manifestation does not become a desire out of greed, but from a place of fulfillment within your heart, because it’s something that you want for yourself in order to fulfill that life you envision for yourself. Set your intention, identify your why, and manifest from the most authentic place in your heart.
This will not only bring what is yours faster to you, but it will also get you one step closer to living the life that you love.
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3. Record all the details
This is something that I do which may set my manifestation process apart from others. I think it is so important to be able keep a record of all my manifestations. This includes being able to go back and look at older ones as I create new ones. I like this process because it allows me to be able to keep track of what manifestations have come to fruition, and which ones I’m still waiting to be realized.
To record and keep track of all my manifestations I write them down in a journal. However, I don’t just write what my manifestations are, I write down in full detail what it is that I want. I am as detailed as I possibly can be about what my manifestation, and what it will look like once I receive that gift from the universe. This is why you must identify your why behind your daily intention.
If I didn’t know my why or have an intention to set daily, it would be really hard for me to write in full detail what I am wanting to manifest. When I write down my manifestations in full detail, I am able to spend some time visualizing what it looks like. How do I feel? What is happening in my life when my manifestation comes to fruition? How will I know when it has come to fruition? These are the type of things that I write down in my manifestation journal as a means to follow my manifestations as they unfold.
I have found recording all of my manifestations to be a very beneficial part of my daily manifestation routine. It gives me purpose and helps to keep me on track of what I still need to work towards receiving, and what I have already received. It’s also a great skill that helps to keep my imagination alive, my mind sharp, and my eyes vigilant. Simply put, writing it all down keeps my heart open and my mind focused on what matters most to me in life.
4. Put it into action
You’ve set your intention for the day, identified your why, and if you’ve wanted to take it a step further you’ve written down in full detail what it is you truly want. At this point you’ve gathered all your ingredients for your manifestation soup and all that’s left to do is serve it up hot! You do this by putting everything you have been manifesting up until this point into action.
This is where the hard work comes into play. Again, manifesting does not mean you don’t have to do any of the dirty work to get what you want. All it does it allow for the universe to send it to you faster. So, you still have to do whatever needs to be done in order to fully receive the gift that is yours.
So how do you do this? By doing whatever you would have done before engaging in this daily manifestation routine. For example, if you are wanting to manifest a husband/wife into your life, don’t just do everything that has been stated above and wait for the universe to send that special someone your way. Get out there and meet new people, go on dates, and open yourself up to love.
If there is anything that I have learned about manifestation it’s that you can’t keep yourself closed off to doing the things that need to be done in order to receive what it is you want. You have to open yourself and your heart to being uncomfortable and trying something new in order to receive what you truly desire.
Sometimes we think that when we don’t get something we truly want, it’s because it wasn’t meant for us. However, that’s hardly ever the case. Usually when we don’t get what we want it’s because we are blocking our blessings by not telling the universe what we want. We hold onto our greatest desires as a secret, hoping someone will hear our prayer and answer it.
But much like having to speak up when you need something, in order to receive all your greatest gifts from the universe you have to speak into existence what you want. So put your manifestations into action by actively doing what needs to be done to receive it.
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5. Rinse and repeat
This daily manifestation routine is easy to follow due to the very little effort you have to put into it up front. The hardest part of any manifestation practice is actively working to make it a reality for yourself. This is because manifestations can take months before they reveal themselves in your life, so you really have to work at it, and be patient with the process, until it’s in the palm of your hands.
However, all the hard work and effort will never be for naught. What is yours will always be yours, it’s just a matter of how bad you want it that will determine when you will receive it.
And once you have received one of your manifestations don’t stop there. In order to truly live the life that you love you have to constantly be creating it, and turning those visions and desires into reality. So, rinse and repeat. This routine works for anything that you truly desire in life. Today may be your love life, tomorrow may be your wildest dreams.
There is no limit to what came come to fruition with this process. So manifest over and over again until you have received all that you desire. Until your life is complete with all that you want. There are many different ways you can go about manifesting. This is what I currently do and I love this process so much!
But much like anything else we often try in life this process is not a one size fits all. Experiment with what works for you and what doesn’t, and once you find what does stick with it until it no longer serves you.
Manifestation is such a powerful tool and skill to have. It truly is life changing and you’d be amaze at all the things you never knew the universe was waiting to gift you. Don’t wait another day, claim what is yours now. Start manifesting the life that you love and turning it all into a reality.
You are more than deserving of it all.