Focus on your company and unapologetically take a day off from work and all your other responsibilities. You may spend the day cooking, cleaning, or even preparing for a party, but what you are not doing (most of us anyways) is spending 8+ hours on the phone or staring a computer screen getting work done. Thanksgiving may not be my favorite holiday, but I do look forward to it. It’s the one time during the year when I can really just relax and not do anything productive for the day, and I’m sure most of you may feel the same way!
Being present in the moment requires you to focus on everything that is happening right in front of you and nothing else outside of that moment. This is why a lot of hard workers look forward to this special day. Which is ok, but once Thanksgiving Day has come and gone it’s back to your daily routine. This means back to work (however that may look for you), back to school, back to waking up and going to be early, and back to your regular grind.
It can be exhausting to say the least. We all look forward to having that day/weekend to relax and not have to follow through on any responsibilities, but unfortunately some of us are not able to do this. We eventually have to go back to the hustle and bustle of getting things done so that we can change our lives for the better, and that usually starts the next day (or two) after Thanksgiving.
So, in today’s post I’m going to share with you some tips about how to get back into the groove of things right after Thanksgiving so that you can continue to work towards your biggest goals and dreams.
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1. Don’t wait, start the next day
I know we would all love to be able to take that weekend after Thanksgiving Day to relax before getting back to our normal routine, but I say don’t. When you give yourself extra time to not be on top of your responsibilities, you’re telling yourself it can get done later. While it can get done later the reality is that you don’t want to start to create a habit of doing things later.
This can quickly turn into a snowball effect where you are constantly pushing everything back. When you do this, you are slowly adopting a lazy mindset and attitude about everything. When this happens, you start to look for opportunities to avoid doing things that you can get done sooner rather than later. Ultimately this can lead to you facing many challenges in your daily routine.
Challenges such as having to constantly rearrange your schedule, rushing to get things done, missing important deadlines, or even a decrease in creativity. The best way to avoid this is by getting back into your routine the very next day. Don’t take extra days to relax and not stay on top of your goals if it was not already planned in the beginning.
Take the time to enjoy the company of your loved ones on Thanksgiving Day, but don’t forget to also get back on your grind, hustle, or whatever you may call it the very next day. Instead, take the big day off and get back to working towards your goals the next day, and if needed schedule time during the day to relax for intervals at a time.
2. Have a before and after plan
I have found this to be extremely helpful for staying on schedule with my regular routine. Having a before and after plan can help hold you accountable for your actions on the big day. This includes how much food (and maybe even what) you consume, whether or not you consume alcohol, how far you’re willing to travel, and of course how late you’re willing to stay.
Having a plan before the big day helps to put your role in the overall event into perspective. It allows you to be able to tell yourself what you expect of yourself during this time, and why it matters. Having a plan beforehand also significantly decreases the chances of others trying to pressure you into engaging in activities that you know you shouldn’t.
What I love most about having a before plan is that you are aware of what you may be getting yourself into, and you have a plan to help you avoid engaging in things you do not want to be a part of.
Having a plan for afterwards helps you essentially see the bigger picture. We all know that one person who is so quick to label someone as a “party pooper” because they pass on a drink, or maybe stay later than the party was scheduled to be. Well to that I say it doesn’t matter! Let them have their opinions and place their labels because they don’t see the bigger picture you’re planning for.
When you know what it is that you are expecting of yourself the very next day, you are more likely to make wiser decisions. This is because you have something to look forward to. While it may seem overrated or as though you are doing a bit too much, I promise you it’s not.
Having a plan through and through is a great way to stay focused on what really matters. Yes, Thanksgiving Day comes around once a year and we should embrace it fully. However, we should also plan for what’s to come in the future because tomorrow is something that will always come.
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3. Don’t stay up, rest
Of course, we all would love to be able to stay up late with our close friends and family and catch up on whatever we may have been missing. There is nothing more pleasurable and heartwarming than spending quality time with those you care about. However, your rest is just as important. You are definitely going to want to be well rested for when you get back to your regular schedule the next day. You don’t want to be dragging your feet to do anything, or lacking the energy to give 100% of yourself to everything.
Instead you want to make sure that you are on your A game. This is because being well-rested will provide you with clarity about what it is you are doing, and give you the confidence to move forward with your day. When you’re tired or extremely fatigued it can be hard to focus your mind and follow through with your commitments for the day.
The best way to guarantee that you are on you’re A game is to make sure that you are getting your rest. So, enjoy the party and everyone’s company during the day, but when it starts inching closer to your bedtime do the responsible thing and make sure you start your nighttime routine on time. This will not only help you be well rested for the day, but it’s also a jump start to getting back to your normal schedule without fail.
4. Don’t consume a lot of alcohol
Plain and simple drink responsibly. I know that as adults one of our most “looking forward to” activity is the casual day drinking with your family and friends. That’s great and all, but I say to do it responsibly. In other words, don’t use this as an opportunity to test your limits, or to try every drink present at the party.
Instead drink what you know and believe to be a reasonable amount for you to not get drunk that day/night and have a wicked hangover the next morning. Drink enough for you to enjoy the party, enjoy everyone’s company, but to also go to bed in good condition that night.
This will make getting up in the morning the next day so much easier. You won’t have to worry about hangover cures, faking it till you make it, headaches, or even feeling sleepy all day. Instead you’ll be in tip top shape to get done everything that needs to be done for the day without missing a beat.
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5. Remember the big picture
Finally remember what it is that you are working towards. Perhaps there is nothing more solidifying for your choices and decisions than to understand completely what it is that you are trying to accomplish. I have found many times before that keeping at the forefront of my mind my overall goals have helped me make wiser decisions.
While this of course is not a deal breaker for your goals by any means, I do believe that it can help you navigate through the big day. Everyone is going to want to soak up as much you time as they can. That is such a beautiful thing that you should grant everybody, but you should also do it with the knowledge of knowing how much of you, you are going to extend.
Don’t exhaust yourself to the point where you have nothing to give yourself for the next few days. Instead, be mindful of how you are using your energy so that you know you will have enough to give to your goals the very next day.
Thanksgiving is a special day for everyone to get together, enjoy each other’s company, and take your mind off of work and other important businesses for the day. While it is a day to relax do be mindful that it is not a day to slack off! Have fun, be present, and soak up everyone’s company. But also, be mindful, stay aware, and hold fast to your goals.
These tips are just a few things that have helped me over the years stay on top of my goals. You may find that they too may help you, or they may not help at all.
Regardless of what the case may be have fun this Thanksgiving Day. Do what you got to do to have a good time, but also try your best to make sure you’re doing things that will not drain or exhaust you. Your goals matter and you should never skip an opportunity to work towards them. Even on a big festive day like Thanksgiving.
Your mind which influences your decisions will always win in the end. Might as well make favorable decisions than bad ones.
Happy Thanksgiving love bugs!