This has been something that I have been dying to do for about two years now and I’m so excited that it’s finally happening! My main inspiration and motivation for starting my coaching business was the passion that I have for empowering women in so many different ways. I’ve spent a lot of my life striving to accomplish everything that I personally wanted for myself while also trying to please others.
Spoiler alert all this did was lead to many stressful days, many sleepless nights, a lot of anxiety piling up, many periods of depression, and with each passing year I was losing motivation to keep reaching for all my biggest hopes and dreams.
After hitting a wall a couple of times, I knew something had to change. I finally found the courage to admit to myself that things in my life weren’t going to get better until I started making the effort to change the things that weren’t working. So about 4 years ago I finally invested in my first ever one-on-one coaching session and from that day on my life was forever changed.
My eyes had been opened to so many unspoken truths that were playing out right in front of me for a very long time. My first coaching session made it hard to put my blinders back on, and to continue to walk this Earth with my head hanging low. In order to find genuine peace and happiness in my life I knew I had to make some necessary changes. So that’s what I did.
In today’s post I want to share with you some of the ways that a health and wellness coach can change your life for the better. I honestly do not believe that I would have switched gears from pursuing a career as a therapist or psychologist, to one of coaching had I not had this personal experience.
There are so many great things that coaching in general can do for you! I’m going to share with you some of the positive experiences I’ve had that had inspired me to make positive changes in my life as result of investing in a one-on-one coaching session.
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Why Health and Wellness Coaching?
As I briefly talked about in my latest post there are many different fields, niches, and types of coaching. My coaching practice and business specifically focuses on the field of health and wellness. A basic definition of what health and wellness coaching is as follows:
A professional who helps others assess their current physical and emotional state of health.
As a health and wellness coach this is exactly what I strive to do. I work with my clients both, individually and collectively as a group, to help them change their physical and emotional state of being for the better. This is accomplished by creating goals that you as the client feel motivated and inspired to work on weekly, where the end result will be a significant improvement in your overall health and wellness.
So why health and wellness coaching? I believe whole heartedly that positive changes and habits in our lives begin with the changes that we make within ourselves. We can’t be a rock and dependable person for someone else if we can’t be that for ourselves first.
Before we can truly give even an ounce of everything that we have to offer to others we first have to acknowledge what we are giving to ourselves unconditionally, that allows us to have the space, freedom, energy, and commitment to give it to others.
That’s why I chose the field of health and wellness and that’s why my coaching services are specifically tailored to help women make positive changes in these areas of their overall health and wellness.
That’s great but how does this help me?
As I mentioned earlier coaching can open your eyes to so many unspoken truths that are right in front of you. Of course, this will vary from the type of coaching you receive. However, here are my top ways that I believe a health and wellness coach, and coaching in general, can help you change your life for the better.
1. You acknowledge the imperfections that exist within you
A lot of the time we avoid seeking professional help, such as therapy or coaching, because we believe that in doing so something is wrong with us. However, this could not be further from the truth! Seeking out professional help has nothing to do with you being broken, lost, unsure, or even mentally ill. It’s simply you making the decision to better yourself in some way. In this case it would be seeking out professional coaching to better yourself mentally, emotionally, and in some cases even physically.
What makes this decision even more powerful is you acknowledging that you are not perfect, and that no matter how successful or happy you may be, there’s always room for improvement. At the end of the day we all want the same thing, to be accepted for who we are as we are. Taking that first step in getting coached can help you get there.
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2. You have a better understanding of what ways you are actively caring for yourself
Coaching can also help you understand the many different ways you are or may be lacking in self-care. We all tend to live very busy lives, going from one moment to the next in the blink of an eye, and when we even get a second to breathe all we want to do is relax.
We relax by watching TV, chatting it up with our friends, going to sleep, taking the time to eat without rushing, or spending some quality time with our loved ones. There are so many different things that we instinctively do when we find that moment of free time, but very rarely is it ever something along the lines of self-care.
This is because a lot of us do not know how to effectively engage in self-care. Some of us are still trying to understand what self-care is and what it looks like. My take is that self-care is 100% personal, so it doesn’t matter what you do, when you do it, and even how you do it. What matters is that you do it at all.
Coaching can help you find the consistency needed to engage in self-care effectively. This will naturally help you begin to discover stress and anxiety reducing techniques, as well as how to listen to your body when it’s not getting something that it needs in order to thrive.
3. You get serious about your health
We all believe that we are in perfect health until a scary experience, our doctors, or someone tells us otherwise. When this happens a lot of us don’t even know where to begin with fixing the problem if there genuinely is one. What do we do instead? Try to ignore the situation until it can no longer be ignored.
Coaching can help you develop the confidence and necessary skills to take immediate action on improving your health for the better. This can help you avoid having your health condition worsen, or you ending up in another scary situation. You acknowledge what’s wrong and you immediately begin the process of correcting it so that it’s not something you have to continue to worry about later in the future.
4. You become disciplined in setting goals
Goal setting is so important! It’s the foundation for everything we desired and set out to do in life. Without goals there’s no way we would have gotten as far as we have in life, and there’s no way you’ll get any further than where you already are. We get to where we want to be by setting goals that will help us get there. Even when we don’t know we’re doing it.
A big part of coaching has an in-depth focus on what kind of goals you will be setting and working towards. What a coach can do for you when it comes to your goals is help you effectively review them to make sure that they are aligned with your overall life goals, and that they are positive habits that can continue to be built upon.
5. You begin to paint a clear picture of what you really want in life
The most beneficial thing that can come out of any coaching session is having a very clear understanding of what it is you want in life. This is why setting goals is so important because it guides us in the direction that we believe to be most ideal for the type of lifestyle we want to have.
The only thing that makes working towards those goals all the more fulfilling is understanding our reasoning for why we want something specific. For example, if you have a goal to become vegan within three months, you can’t just set after this goal without understanding why you want to be a vegan.
Is it for health purposes? Belief purposes? Does it align with a specific lifestyle you’d like to have? You have to have a clear understanding of why a specific lifestyle or goal makes the most sense for you. That’s the only way you can begin to develop positive habits and the consistency needed to help you get there.
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6. You learn how to filter out the negative
When you invest in a coaching session you begin to see all the things in your life that are working against you. You start to understand why you didn’t get that promotion at work, or why your relationship isn’t thriving, and even why you may be unhappy, or stressed the majority of the time.
Coaching helps you open your eyes to everything that is right in front of you that you have chosen not to see. The beautiful thing about this practice is once you acknowledge its existence you can’t go back to pretending it’s not there. In a way you’re force to confront the negativity and begin the process of removing it from your life.
7. You become more embracing of the positive
Once you get rid of all the negativity you slowly become comfortable with accepting all the positivity. You start to accept help from others, it doesn’t rub you the wrong way when someone wants to buy you coffee, or you no longer feel embarrassed to ask a friend to borrow money.
You start to see the people in your life who are genuinely there to see you succeed, and you start to notice an increase in your confidence to rely on them more than you may have in the past. This is because with you removing something bad from your life, you’re seeking for something good to replace it.
8. You learn to trust your instincts
All too often we second guess ourselves or cheat ourselves out of something that we know we deserve to have. This is because we do not rust ourselves the way that we know we should. Instead, we become accustomed to constantly telling ourselves “no”, or “now is not the time”, or we just simply deny ourselves of what it is we really want.
There are tons of reasons why we may operate in this way, but once we stop telling ourselves no and start giving ourselves permission to have it all, our lives change for the better.
We stop believing we aren’t worthy of something. We stop relying on the opinions of others. We stop seeking that validation and approval from others. This is because we start to trust our instincts and trust that we are not going to steer ourselves in the wrong direction. When this happens the whole world literally opens up for us. That is when we truly become unstoppable.
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Coaching has changed my life in so many ways and honestly, it’s one of the best investments I have ever made for myself in my entire life. Through coaching I have been able to find my voice and to sit with confidence and comfort in all of my decisions.
I have been able to live a life that is more meaningful and purposeful for me, and that has allowed me to continue to make positive changes in my life. Coaching can do this, everything discussed above, and so much more for you. You just have to be willing to put in the time and do the hard work needed in order to get there.
If you’re ready to start putting yourself and changing your life for the better I’d love to help you get started. Visit my coaching page to learn more about the many different ways that I can start working with you today.
Also keep this in mind as you continue to navigate through life. No matter how big or small your goals may be, or where you are in your life, what is for you will ALWAYS be for you. It may not come to you when you want it, but it will always come to you when you need it.