I’m such a big believer in setting goals for a number of reasons. For starters I believe that when we have goals that we are actively working towards it gives us something to focus on. This allows us to invest our time, money, and energy wisely so that we walk away feeling a strong sense of accomplishment.
Another reason setting goals is so important is because it helps to paint a clear picture of what direction we want our lives to go. It’s so easy to get caught in the “what if” or the “if only” mindset that we tend to lose sight of the little things that matter.
Things like what we already have, what we naturally have to offer the world, capitalizing on our greatest passions, and really just living life to the fullest for our own happiness. Having goals can keep the line between what it is we think we want in life and what it is that we really want very clear.
I’ve been here many times before. My approach? Look at the bigger picture and find what you can do weekly to help make that picture a reality. The goal? To achieve that goal over the span of three months. Three months is enough time to be able to work towards a goal, or the bigger picture, without feeling the pressure to succeed immediately.
In a world where we are so use to instant gratification it’s important to pace yourself as you navigate through life. Especially when it comes to reaching a specific goal. In this post I’m going to share with you 8 goals that can be achieved over the span of three months.
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1. Find an activity you’re really passionate about
With the daily hustle and bustle that most of us experience it may be hard to find time to engage in activities that excite us. Our health and wellness mean absolutely nothing if we aren’t doing things that we genuinely enjoy, and know are benefiting us in some way.
We all have to work to survive but it’s important to strive to become the best version of ourselves as well. There are so many things that we can do to better our health. Such as being physically active, adopting better food choices, and of course practicing wellness and self-care consistently.
The beautiful part about it all is that when we really make time to do the things that fill us with joy, not only does our health transform for the better, but so does every other aspect of our lives. Finding your true passion doesn’t happen overnight.
Whether you rediscover a passion from the past, or take up a new one completely, three months is the perfect time to find an activity that you enjoy and find to be fulfilling. Find you passion and commit to it. You never know the kind of doors it will open for you personally and professionally.
2. Find a self-care routine that is perfect for you
Self-care. If you’ve been around for a while then you already know where I’m going with this one. It’s so important that we are taking the time daily to care for our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
This looks so different for everyone. What I may consider to be a very effective form of self-care may not be the case in your book and that’s ok. Self-care is 100% personal and no one can define what that is, or what it looks like for you. You have to know what it means and looks like for yourself.
Regardless of what self-care may or may not be for you, it’s important to work towards practicing it daily. Self-care is a great way to relax, reset, and center ourselves. It’s also the perfect opportunity to find clarity, and with consistency it can be a confidence builder.
When you are secure with who you are, the way you live your life, and the people that make your life great, literally nothing can shatter that happiness. One way to get to this point, and to build it up strong, is to look after yourself daily.
Do what needs to be done in order for you to be the best version of yourself, and feel the best in your own skin on a daily basis. Find a self-care routine that works for you, and stick with it until it’s time to switch it up.
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3. Create a workout routine that you love
I know that exercising daily is not everyone’s favorite thing to do but it impacts our lives in so many small ways. For example, learning to love and accept all our insecurities as a part of what makes us human.
No one wants to admit that they are insecure. However, in order to move past them we have to face them head on. Acknowledge that they exist and actively work towards changing the things that are not making us happy.
For me this was making a habit out of exercising daily. After nearly two months of doing this my confidence increased significantly. While I was still not 100% comfortable in my own skin, I was a lot more comfortable with accepting my insecurities and finding natural and logical solutions to loving them.
For example, one of my biggest insecurities has always been my body. I’m a curvy woman who as a teenager struggled with being comfortable in her own skin. Instead of focusing all my time and energy on how can I change this about myself, I focus on how I can love myself for all that I have been blessed with.
This is what exercising daily has done for me and what it can do for you. It’s a great way to really acknowledge any insecurities you may have about yourself and take the necessary steps to find love and acceptance with them.
4. Commit to healthier eating habits
Food will always be a huge factor in our lives whether we want to admit it or not. The reality is that while most of us would like to believe that we have good eating habits, we probably don’t.
This is a struggle area that I am working on improving daily. It wasn’t until about a year ago when I realized that the reason making healthier food choices was such a struggle for me was because of the relationship that I had with food.
Food is a place of comfort and happiness for all of us. And while that chocolate cake after dinner always sounds amazing, the truth is if we want to reach those health and wellness goals of ours then we have got to learn how to be more conscious about the food choices that we make.
That’s what I love about the 28 Day Reset. This book has helped me so much with being more mindful of the foods that I eat, how often I eat specific foods, and the way certain foods were impacting my overall health. With the 28-day reset you’re essentially hitting the reset button as a way to get a better understanding of what your food intolerances may be.
For me I discovered that dairy, specifically milk, was not something that I could have without feeling bloated all the time. So, I removed milk from my diet about three years ago and I haven’t gone back.
It’s the little things like this that the 28 Day Reset can do for you. Committing to healthier food choices starts with being educated about what you are putting into your body and how your overall health is responding to it. Having a goal like this to work towards will change the overall trajectory of your health for the better.
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5. Finish a book that you haven’t had the time to read
This is a favorite pastime of mines that I wish I did a lot more of today. Life gets busier the older we get and sometimes that means less time to do the things that we love to do the most.
However, just because you have less time doesn’t mean you should abandon ship with those passions altogether.
Last month I set a goal to finish a book series that I began reading back in 2019 by the end of summer 2020. So far so good and I’m achieving that goal by reading for at least 30 minutes once a week. Sometimes more if possible.
If you don’t have a book that you’d like to finish reading, maybe find one that you’ve been looking forward to reading. If reading just isn’t your thing that’s totally ok! Find something that you enjoy doing and haven’t had the time to do in a while and work towards getting it done within three months.
You’d be amazed at how fulfilled your life will seem once you start making time for the things that bring you the most joy.
6. Be consistent with journaling
This is something that I strive to do every single night before bed. I know journaling is one of those things that people are either into or they aren’t. That’s ok, journaling is a hit or miss for a lot of people, but I want you to be aware of the power of journaling.
I like to view journaling as a safe place for all my thoughts, emotions, personal experiences, and somewhere where I can tell my truth and not have to defend it. It’s important to tell your story, write it down somewhere and keep it safe.
You never know when the day is going to come when you have to look back on your life thus far and acknowledge how much you have changed and grown during a certain period of time.
The best part is that journaling requires no effort at all. If you’re the type of person who likes to have some kind of structure when you write then apply it here if that’s going to make it a more enjoyable and relaxing experience for you. Otherwise, just write.
Write about your day. Write about an experience that you had. Write about how you feel about someone. Just write. Document your story, your truth. That way no one else has the chance to.
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7. Meditate daily
Meditation is a great way to center yourself, increase your awareness, and to practice mindfulness. What I love most about meditation is the time that it allows you to have to really think about where you currently are in your life.
While meditating there is so much that runs through your mind, especially if you’re new to the art. However, the trick is to know what to filter out so that you don’t become distracted, and what to keep so that you can manifest it into your reality.
Meditation by no means is an easy thing to do, but with daily practice it can easily become a habit of yours that you get better at doing.
There are a few different ways that you can meditate. The main goal is to find alone time, peace and quiet, and a place where you can just be alone with yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions.
The power of meditation goes far beyond simply bettering ourselves. It has a direct connection to our overall health.
When we meditate, we are making ourselves aware of areas in our life that need attention, that need improvement, things that are working well for us, and things that are hurting us. That awareness allows us to adjust accordingly which then allows us room to grow into our full potential.
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8. Try something new once a month
The most effective way to improve any area of your health and wellness is to constantly be engaged with experimenting. This doesn’t necessarily have to be with food or workouts, but just experiment with life.
What are things you are currently doing? Is it working well for you? Are you bored? Does there need to be a change? Take a hard look at what it is that is currently making up your life then challenge yourself to try something new at least once a month.
Whether that’s hiking, taking a swimming lesson, attending a dance class, trying a new recipe, participating in a fun challenge, or even just switching up your daily routine. Try something new.
We get way too comfortable with being comfortable that sometimes we limit ourselves from having room to grow and evolve. The best way to get out of your own way is to open yourself up to trying new things.
You never know the many different ways you may grow, and your health and wellness may improve, until you find the courage to do the things you never thought you would do.
But with anything new you try always be safe.
What goals are you currently working towards?