There has been a lot going on in the world lately. The latest has been the spread of a virus that has made it so that everyone is required, and highly encouraged, to remain in their homes.
When the news of this got out, I wasn’t worried or bothered in the tiniest bit. I love being home and all activities that I do are usually done at home. But then came the news of limiting time spent out in public places and immediately I started to see a dramatic shift in everyone’s behavior.
Food was becoming scare in stores, restaurants were closing their lobbies to the public, schools were closing, and even the regular hours of most public places were being changed.
That’s when it finally hit me. We were all being asked to remain indoors until further notice.
Then I started to see all the posts on social media about how bored people were, how they didn’t know what to do with themselves, and even how they were upset that the gym was closed and they couldn’t even get their normal workout in for the day.
I knew that being indoors until further notice wasn’t going to stop me from living my healthiest life, and I don’t want you to let it stop you either.
If you are bored, have nothing to do in your home, or may find it hard to just simply entertain yourself and your family, no worries.
Staying at home doesn’t have to be boring, trust me I know I do it all the time. There are literally tons of things that you can do during this quarantine time period to entertain yourself and stay on top of all your health and wellness goals.
This includes things such as taking that time that you never seemed to have to engage in some much-needed self-care.
I’ve got 7 self-care activities that can help you do just that!
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7 Self-care Activities to Do at Home
- Start a healthy skincare routine
Skincare may not seem like a necessary wellness or self-care activity to engage in, but it is. While I can understand why some may see this as so, I personally have to disagree.
One thing I have noticed about the health of my skin is that it’s greatly effected by the way I take care of it. Especially being someone who exercises every day my pores tend to get clogged from my sweat all the time.
Even if you don’t exercise daily you still need to take care of your skin for a number of reasons, but I’ll share with you my top two.
The first reason is because your skin says a lot about your overall health, such as what you eat and how often you eat it. It’s true that you are what you eat, and the way you fuel your body is going to reflect on the health of your skin.
I can always tell when I’m dehydrated or have eaten too much junk food because my skin is dull, rough, and flaky. But when I’m on my A-game, my skin is popping! The same goes for you.
The second reason is because the health and texture of our skin will change as we get older. You want to have a good skincare routine established now so that your skin ages gracefully with you. This isn’t about looking younger either, it’s about simply caring for your skin so that you feel and look your best at any age.
Starting a skincare routine is the perfect self-care activity to do while staying at home. Not only will your skin thank you for it, but so will your confidence!
- Create the habit of repeating positive affirmations
I’m a big believer in affirmations. If you’re not sure what affirmations are here’s a quick overview.
Affirmations are the practice of positive thinking for self-empowerment.
I love affirmations because they really do help change your way of thinking when it comes to yourself and all the things you are capable of. Starting your day off with positive affirmations is a great way to empower yourself to tackle the day.
Most days we just wake up, do our regular daily routine, and go on about our day. We don’t practice the habit of telling ourselves how appreciative we are for being who we are, how thankful we are for getting us as far as we have in life, or how excited we are to see what the future holds for us.
We don’t practice self-love enough and practicing positive affirmations is a great place to start. It’s literally something as simple as looking at yourself in the mirror and saying:
- “you are amazing”
- “you can make a difference in this world”
- or my personal favorites “this is only the beginning” and “you are enough”
That’s it. Nothing more and nothing less. Give this a try while staying at home. It may just change your life for the better.
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- Do some yoga
I love yoga and I cannot stress this enough! There are so many reasons why we should be doing yoga consistently. It improves our health in so many ways!
Being at home is the perfect time to practice yoga. This takes away any stress or insecurities you may have about participating in yoga, and gives you the chance to try it out for yourself free of pressure.
I was one of those people who didn’t like to practice yoga in front of other people because I was so self-conscious about my form. However, I eventually got over that foolish idea once I started to practice yoga in my own home, and got comfortable with the yogic flow.
Giving yoga a try while at home has many advantages. Perhaps the biggest two are having the opportunity to try it out as something to add to your wellness routine, and improving your health and posture in just 30 minutes a day.
I try to do yoga at least once a week. If you’ve never tried yoga but are looking for a way to get in a good workout that requires no equipment, and doesn’t really require you to put on actual clothes, this may be something you’re into.
You can read this post to learn more about the many health benefits of practicing yoga.
- Add meditation into your daily routine
Another favorite of mines. Meditation has many positive health benefits as well. What I love most about meditation is that this was something that was literally designed to be practiced in the comfort of your own home.
I meditate daily and it really does help me center myself, practice mindfulness throughout the day, and believe it or not get things done.
If you’re new to practicing meditation, or it’s something that you’ve always wanted to do but for one reason or another you just weren’t able to, at home is the perfect time to give this a try.
Not only are you somewhere you feel safe and comfortable, but you’re also free of distractions, which is something that you are going to need for effective meditation.
Meditation is not an easy practice. It requires a great deal of patience and empathy with yourself to get into a flow and get through a session. What I appreciate the most about practicing meditation is that this isn’t something that takes hours to do.
You can literally meditate for just 5 minutes a day and see immediate improvements with your way of thinking and behavioral habits. Take some time, even if it’s just 5 minutes, while stuck in the house and practice meditation. I promise you its life changing.
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- Catch up on some reading
This is also the perfect time to catch up on some reading. With the day to day hustle and bustle it can be hard for most of us to find that time to just sit down and get lost in a good book.
I try to do at least 30 minutes of reading every night before bed. Most nights I am successful, but there are some nights when I don’t get to do it.
However, if I don’t read before bed, I always try to find some time during the day to get some reading done.
While at home find the time to read. Again, this doesn’t have to be something that you do for hours at a time. 30 minutes is a good enough amount of time to sit down and read a book.
Find a book that you’ve been looking forward to reading, or a book that you haven’t had the chance to finish reading, or even re-read a book that you love.
It doesn’t matter just so long as you read. Your mind will thank you endlessly for it.
- Netflix and stretch
Honestly this is my favorite thing to do because it’s literally what I do every single day!
As I mentioned earlier, I’m a homebody. I love being at home and a big reason for this is because I’m such a huge movie and TV show junkie. Literally I cannot get enough of it. I always have something to watch and I’m always entertained with what I’m watching no matter what it is.
While you may be thinking I’m such a huge couch potato I’ve got two things I need you to know.
One, you are correct. Two, although that may be true, that doesn’t mean I don’t get in a good workout and plenty of movement throughout the day!
One of my favorite things to do while at home is watch Netflix and stretch. However, I’ve learned that I need to have something happening, like engaging in a conversation or watching TV, while stretching.
Otherwise I get too involved with the stretching I find myself trying to do more than what I’m capable of and I end up injuring myself.
I distract my need to be super fucking flexible by having something else for my brain to concentrate on at the same time. It really does work guys and since we’re all going to be stuck in our homes for a while you might as well give it a try.
Here’s a video with some stretching exercises that you can do while watching TV or a movie (click the link to access the video). Also, be sure to check out this post for more information about the importance of stretching.
- Cleanse your body
Finally cleanse your body.
I don’t know about you but it’s been really hard to get a hold of some food lately. In the beginning I was really frustrated but I decided to turn this into an opportunity to simply better my health.
My solution to empty shelves in the grocery store? Change my diet for the time being.
I love fruits and vegetables but I don’t snack on them as often as I would like throughout the day. However, I’m taking this opportunity to change that and you can too.
Instead of going to the grocery store and looking for canned foods, frozen foods, red meat, and junk food to stock your shelves at home with, stock up on fruits and vegetables. You can never go wrong with fueling your body with Earth’s greatest creation.
A bonus is that you can make tons of great smoothies with all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and if you store them in the freezer they last so much longer. Plus, you’re staying on track with working towards those health and wellness goals.
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With that being said here’s a little gift from me to you, to help you deal with being quarantined until further notice. I’ve put together a 7-day quarantine workout schedule for you to do. This will help you stay on track with exercising daily all in the comfort of your own home.
To download this free at home workout schedule just click the link underneath the graphic.
Click here to download the 7-day quarantine workout schedule
Also, there are some links that I have provided for this 7-day workout schedule as well. Just simply click on the link in the graphic to access the videos or come back and click the links below.
Links to videos:
- Yoga flow
- 10 morning stretches
- Stretches after a stressful day
- Total body stretch
- Daily stretching for flexibility & relaxation
Have fun and be safe everyone!
I love these recommendations! Thanks for sharing.