One of the best things you can do for yourself is to make your health a priority. Think about your current health status now, think about past habits that have you gotten here, and think about the type of health status you’d like to have in the future. What does all these habits, desires, and disciplines tell you about your health?
If you want to be more active, more energized, see an increase in your confidence, and live an overall healthier lifestyle, then you need to make your health a priority in your life. All of these things are 1000% possible for you to achieve. All you have to do is be willing to make the commitment to better your health, and put in the hard work to make it all happen.
At the beginning of 2019 I made the commitment to make my health a priority.
I set out to honor this commitment by working out consistently, eating as clean as I possibly could, and choosing to be more active on days when I had a ton of free time. While there were a lot of ups and downs, moments of great victory, and some moments where I didn’t try my hardest, I still managed to get through the year working towards the goal of improving my health.
If I can do it, so can you.
Improving your health is a lot easier than you may think. It doesn’t require ridiculous diets that don’t’ work, spending an excess amount of time in the gym, or completely changing your lifestyle all together. All it requires is the necessary changes in the areas of your life that will have the most impact.
Here are 5 ways to improve your health for the better in 2020!
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Adopt a consistent workout routine
One of the best investments I have ever made for my health was when I purchased the PIIT28 bundle. PIIT28 is a Pilates Intense Interval Training workout routine that is sure to help you become your fittest self in just 28 minutes a day.
I purchased this bundle about 3 years ago and fell in love with it instantly! At the time I was extremely out of shape, uncomfortable with my body, and wanted a program that was going to change all that. So, I found PIIT28 through Blogilates and decided to dive right into the program.
Little did I know what I was getting myself into. This program was extremely challenging but in all the right ways. At the beginning of 2019 I started to take part in the program again. I have adopted a consistent workout routine that does not revolve around this program, but none the less doing PIIT28 is something that I try to do at least once every 3 months.
Purchasing the PIIT28 program was the best invest for my health because I have noticed huge transformations. Not just physically, but more so mentally and emotionally. I’m more confident, my stamina has improved greatly, I have built muscle in areas of my body where I use to be very weak, and most importantly I actually look forward to working out because I only get better the more I do it.
There are also three different levels to the PIIT28 program so it never gets boring.
- PIIT28 1.0 is for beginners, this is where I am currently the most comfortable at.
- PIIT28 2.0 is for intermediate individuals. This is for those who have been doing interval training for a while and are disciplined in the practice of it.
- Then there is PIIT28 3.0 which is more advanced than the other two. This is for those how have been doing interval training, or specifically PIIT style workouts for a while and are looking for a challenge.
If you want to improve your health in 2020 this program may be the best place for you to start. It will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone, to discover new workout exercises, and to make the commitment to put your health first. In the beginning it will be hard and you may struggle but that’s ok. It’s all part of the process and that’s the only way you know it’s working.
Here are some pros and cons of the program that I personally found.
- Once you purchase it, it’s yours for a lifetime
- You have the option to purchase PIIT28 1.0 by itself, or purchase all three off the back. I purchased all three for the sake of saving money when I brought it, and for having the next levels to do whenever I’m ready.
- You will burn fat, tone your body, improve your stamina, and increase your confidence
- It’s a super effective workout that only takes 28 minutes of your time a day
- You can only purchase PIIT28 1.0 separately. This means that if you eventually want to participate in the PIIT28 2.0 and 3.0 you’ll have to purchase PIIT28 1.0 again. To avoid running into this trouble I recommend you purchase all three from the start.
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Change your eating habits
A huge goal of mines in 2019 that I didn’t do too well with was to change my eating habits. I am a junk food junkie, always have been, and that was something that I wanted to change. I love fruits and vegetables but honestly, I wasn’t eating as much as I would have liked to.
While I did increase my fruit and vegetable intake for 2019, I didn’t really achieve my goal of changing my eating habits for the better. For 2020 this is one goal that I will be working towards and becoming more disciplined with. I plan to accomplish this by making great use of The Blogilates 28 Day Reset.
This is a nutrition guide that Cassey has created to help you reset your entire system. By reset I mean this nutritional guide will help you discover what your food intolerances are, what food may make you feel bloated or promote acne, and even foods that are depriving you of energy.
I purchased this guide about 3 years ago and again I fell in love with it instantly!
This year I didn’t really put it to much use simply because I wanted to experiment with other food habits and see the kind of impact it had on my health. However, for 2020 I plan on going back to implementing this guide into my eating habits more often.
The other great thing about the 28 Day Reset is that it’s not designed to completely change the kind of foods that you eat. Instead, it’s designed to help you experiment with eating foods that are clean, organic, and homecooked meals in order to better understand your eating habits.
This program aims to help you get rid of your negative eating habits and adopt healthier ones so that they are more aligned with your overall health goals. The best part about this program is that it’s only for 28 days!
Over the course of 28 days you will be removing dairy, added sugars, gluten, processed grains, and alcohol from your diet. As mentioned earlier this is to help you discover what your food sensitivities may be and how the type of foods, and how much of those foods you are eating is negatively impacting your health.
The 28 Day Reset has been another great investment I have made for my health. For the new year I plan on resetting my body and adding more of the yummy foods that I love from this guide as part of my regular diet.
Here are some quick pros and cons of this program.
- There are over 150 delicious recipes already provided to you right off the back
- There are structured meals with what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for every day of the week, and every week of the month
- There are grocery lists so that you know exactly what to buy for each meal
- It’s an instant download so you can start your journey immediately
- Since there are a lot of recipes it can be overwhelming in the beginning to know where to start. However, it’s structured so well that some of that overwhelm is eliminated with the help of having specific meals to eat during specific weeks so that you’re not bouncing all over the place trying to figure out what to eat
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Become more active
This took me a really long time to understand. A big part of living a healthier life is by simply being more active. When I use to think of being more active, I always thought that this meant working out more than I already was. In 2019 I learned that this is in fact NOT what it means to be more active.
To be more active simply means to move your body more.
I spent the year doing just that. I went on walks more often, went hiking a couple of times, did more yoga, and even incorporated more cardio into my weekly workouts. The results have been so impactful for my health.
I’ve found that I’m more energized, I burn fat more consistently, my stamina has improved significantly, and I’ve adopted more activities to add to my wellness routine. All of this resulted from me just simply moving my body more.
I use to be the type of person that would workout, and then pretty much spend the rest of my day either sitting at the table on the computer doing work, or in bed binge watching shows on Netflix.
For the new year I’m going to keep this habit up and move as often as I can in the day. Even if it’s just to clean house. This is something you too can start doing immediately and will begin to see an improvement in your health almost instantly.
Drink more water
Plain and simple drink more water. Water is so good for our health yet it’s something that we often take for granted.
I get it, it’s just water. There’s nothing exciting or interesting about it when it’s all by itself, but honestly, it’s one of the key ingredients to having a healthy gut, a digestive system that works properly, better quality of sleep, and much more.
In 2019 I set to goal to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This is a goal that I can proudly say I have accomplished!
In fact, I’ve drank so much water in this past year that I can literally drink a gallon of water a day. The results of drinking plenty of water? Clear skin, more energy, better sleep, I’m able to not only lose weight but maintain a healthy weight, and I’ve seen a major decrease in how much food I eat in a day.
These are just a few of the great things that drinking more water has done for my overall health. For 2020 I’m setting the goal of drinking at least a gallon of water one day out of the week. You don’t have to aim this high, but you should make it a goal to drink more water in the new year.
The possibilities are literally endless.
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Take part in monthly challenges
The most fun I have had in 2019 with my health and wellness journey is taking part in monthly challenges.
I’ve done a booty challenge to build a bigger and stronger butt, ab challenges to build a stronger core, and even an arm challenge to get stronger, leaner arms. Literally I’ve done so many challenges that I’ve lost track.
But doing these monthly challenges really helped me remain consistent with my workout routine, stay focused on my health goals, and continue to create a healthier lifestyle that was more ideal for my life. That’s why in 2020 I want to start the year off right, by taking part in a challenge that will help set the tone for the rest of the year.
And I want you to do it with me.
For 2020 I want you to join me in the 2020 Challenge. This challenge is going to be all about building a strong foundation for your body so that you can kick butt in all your workouts for the rest of the year.
The challenge will focus on my favorite parts of my body to workout. The abs, arms, legs, and of course the booty!
What to expect
Here’s what you can expect in the 2020 Challenge.
Every week we will be focusing on strengthening one of the four body areas (abs, arms, legs, and booty). For that entire week you will be doing workout moves that will help you strengthen, tone, and build muscle for that area of the body. For every move over the course of the week we will be doing 20 reps with 5 sets total.
That’s a total of 100 moves per day!
The challenge will begin on January 1st and end on January 31st. Since the 1st falls on a Wednesday the first 4 days of this challenge will be a bit of a warm up to help loosen your muscle and begin building your stamina, but don’t worry it’s totally do-able!
So, are you in? I hope so! Be sure to fill out the box below to get your copy of the workout graphic so that you’re ready to go on January 1st!
I’ll see you soon love bugs!