A wellness routine can help improve your life in many different areas such as your relationship with yourself and others, your physical activity level, how you regulate your emotions, and even your perspective on life. A wellness routine can even help you set more realistic and achievable goals, and give you all the motivation needed to go after them.
The way you view your life, all your dreams and goals, even your thought process is all impacted by the way you nurture your body. Believe it or not, the way we interact with the world and the type of energy we take in from others is all aligned with our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual parts of our health.
For a long time, I never thought it was important to have a wellness routine of my own. I was so use to just living my life on a day to day basis, meeting needs that needed to be met in the moment, and ignoring the ones that weren’t screaming as loud as the others. It wasn’t until I started to practice yoga more consistently that I began to understand just how unbalanced I was with myself and the way I walked this Earth.
Knowing this and seeing how much harder it was for me to complete simple tasks in my life, and how unhappy, tired, and exhausted I felt all the time inspired me to create a wellness routine for myself. Through doing so I can honestly say that I stress less, I’m happier, I’m more energized, and I feel more in-tuned with myself. It’s all because I’ve created a daily wellness routine that has changed my life for the better.
Here are 5 ways a wellness routine can improve your life.
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1. You’ll have more energy
If you’re the type of person who feels tired or exhausted all the time, even when you haven’t really exerted much energy, then a wellness routine is going to change your life significantly. A wellness routine can energize your life in many different areas. This can be in the role you play in various relationships in your life, the type of activities that you do when you first wake up in the morning, or even before you go to bed at night. It can even impact the way you nurture your body, and even the way you interact with world.
Being energized is extremely important because it ultimately determines how much effort you are willing to put into your day. If you’re low on energy chances are you won’t feel motivated to do your best for the day. Instead you may be thinking about when the day ends so you can rest, or maybe even you can move onto the next task as a means to simply just get through the day. However, when you greet the day with high energy and you move through it maintaining that level of energy, you’ll know that you are doing the best you can do for every moment of the day.
You may be wondering what is the best routine to create in order to be more energized. Well, to be perfectly honest this varies from person to person based on individual needs. As part of my wellness routine to help me feel more energized I like to meditate. I’ve found that meditating allows for me to be more in-tuned with my emotions and set my intentions for the day. This also allows for me to be present in every moment, and helps to lessen the amount of anxiety I experience in a day.
A wellness routine will help you focus better on the task at hand, and avoid spending too much time thinking about what’s to come. You will find that your level of energy will increase significantly as you will be able to distribute your energy throughout the day as necessary, instead of exhausting yourself from the start as a means to get to the end of the day.
2. You’ll adopt a positive mindset
Believe it or not the way you care and nurture your body directly impacts the way you view the world. As someone who once had a habit of filling my day with things to do and no time to relax or participate in other activities, I can honestly say this made me somewhat of a pessimist.
I use to always think that the more hours of hard work I put in the greater my results would be. Whenever something didn’t turn out the way I had hoped it would I always jumped to the conclusion that there was more to be done that I somehow overlooked. What would result from this is a snowball of negative thinking, which ultimately made me feel as though everything I was doing was a complete waste of time.
I’m my biggest critic, just like most of you may be, but I can honestly tell you that this kind of thinking only sets you up for failure. A big part of growing up is having the skill to be able to see the positive in every situation. This is what a wellness routine can do for you. When you are taking the necessary time to nurture yourself, to care for your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health, you are telling yourself that you happiness and well-being is a priority.
You are making it clear not only to yourself, but to others as well, that you care about the type of energy you are putting out in the world, and the type of energy you will receive in return. Being thoughtful about simple things like this will naturally train your brain to adopt a more positive mindset. You’ll be amazed at the things you can achieve when you think more positively.
When you choose to think positively you will learn not to take everything so seriously. You’ll find that everyone lives and learns and that life is all about finding your way, and there’s no perfect system to doing so. This is the kind of magic that can come from taking the time to nurture your thoughts every morning.
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3. You won’t be afraid to try new things
Are you the type of person who has a comfort zone that they like to stay in?
That’s totally me 100%! Half of it is because that’s just really a natural part of my personality, but an even bigger part of it is because for the longest time I was afraid to try new things. Having a wellness routine has helped me increase my confidence, which has allowed me to have the courage to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things.
For example, I’ve always wanted to go hiking but never was able to work up the courage to do so simply because of the fear of not knowing what the experience would be like. However, in August of 2019 I finally went hiking for the first time. While the first half of the experience was great, the second half did leave me feeling as though this was something I’d never do again. However, in spite of the experience I was able to do something that was outside of my comfort zone because I had the confidence that I was capable of doing it.
A wellness routine can have this kind of an impact on you. There are so many things in the world that we would love to do, but our confidence or lack of it prevents us from experiencing life the way we would love to. Having a wellness routine that you engage in daily will help you build upon your confidence. It’s a great way to silently and privately work through your negative emotions and negative thinking, and find techniques to help you see life in a different and much brighter light.
Once you’ve adopted this kind of mindset, you’ll find that you will feel inspired to try new things. What’s better is from that new burst of inspiration you won’t be thinking about all the ways stepping outside of your comfort zone could go wrong. Instead, you’ll be focused on enjoying the experience and truthfully living in the moment.
4. You’ll commit to your goals
Goal setting is a big one with having a wellness routine. Just like you set goals in life you’ll learn to set goals in your wellness routine. Creating a wellness routine is so much more than just engaging in self-care for a set amount of time. It’s actually taking the time to think about which of your needs, need to be met, and what is going to be the best way to meet them.
For example, if I know exhaustion is something that I’ve been struggling with for the past couple of days, I’m not going to simply try to get more hours of sleep at night. Instead, I’m going to create goals within my wellness routine that I know will help me improve the quality of sleep I am getting every night. This may be something as simple as staying away from all forms of technology an hour and 30 minutes before bed for the next week.
Setting goals within a wellness routine that will help you meet your needs is going to help you create the discipline of committing to goals that exist outside of your wellness routine.
I personally believe that some of the hardest goals for us to commit to are goals that directly impact us. This includes goals that revolve around self-care, self-improvement, and even creating a happier life for ourselves. I believe these goals are hard to commit to because they actually require you to put in work and effort, and stick to that commitment until you begin to see a change, and once you see change you have to stick with it in order to maintain it.
We all want instant gratification for all the goals we set out to achieve. However, the reality is that goals are not achieved through instant gratification. If you want something you have to work hard for it. A wellness routine will help you create the discipline to not only set goals that are challenging and meaningful to you, but to also see the commitment to those goals through until you can’t develop from them further.
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5. You will see changes in your overall health
Perhaps the biggest way a wellness routine can improve your life is through your overall health. At this point we’ve discussed other ways a wellness routine can improve your life. Now let’s take a look at the ways in which it can improve your overall health. There are four main aspects of our health that we have to nurture daily. This includes our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. Often times we will pay more attention to nurturing 2-3 of these areas at a time, and some areas get very little to no care at all.
This is where a wellness routine can change the game completely.
A wellness routine really requires to you not only check in with yourself daily, but to train yourself to notice any differences that are happening within yourself as a result of the specific practices you have been engaging in. When you participate in such a routine you will notice areas of your body, or aspects of your health, that are not aligned with one another. This is how you begin to understand what areas of your health need more care and attention.
It is only then when you will be able to work on those areas and continue to transform your health for the better. You may notice changes in your sleep quality, eating habits, activity level, emotion regulation, brain power, flexibility of your body, and much more.
When you make a point to pay attention to the areas of your health that need nurturing, and are willing to put in the necessary time to care and nurture all areas of your health, you will start to notice and feel the positive changes in your life. You’ll even come to discover that every day you are improving your overall health for the better in the tiniest of ways.
Creating a wellness routine can be challenging. It requires commitment, discipline, and the strength to acknowledge areas of your health that you may be taking for granted, and then the courage to change how you nurture those areas. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do achieve, and it most certainly doesn’t mean you can’t start creating a wellness routine of your own now.
Do you have a wellness routine? If so, what do you do and how has it improved your life for the better?
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