I know this question may come across as confusing because honestly, what does it mean to really care for your body? This is something that looks different for everyone, which means everyone relates to it differently. So, the real question should be is there a right and wrong way to care for your body? Again, this may depend on your perspective, idea, and understanding of what it means to care for your body.
However, I think a general consensus of caring for your body simply means ensuring that you are doing all that you can do to be your healthiest, and thrive in your strongest body on a daily basis.
Which means that there are a million different things that we can do to be our healthiest and strongest. Everybody’s body is different, we all have different lifestyles, and our bodies respond to various forms of care differently. Therefore, caring for your body is not a one size fits all type of deal. You have to experiment and find what does and does not work best for your body personally.
So, let’s take a look at 10 super easy ways to get the process started today.
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10 Super Easy Ways to Care for Your Body
There are so many positive health benefits to working out. Not only does this help you create a consistent routine for caring for your body, but it can also help you reach all your health-related goals. The best part? Working out can help you create a positive and healthy relationship with your body and the way that you care for it.
There are literally a ton of workouts that you can do. Just like caring for your body, working out consistently does not have a one size fits all. There are many different fitness coaches and influencers out there who all relate to different audiences. So, there is research that has to be done, as well as experimentation, in order to find the one that best suits you.
Then of course you have to develop the consistency around working out.
Create a schedule that works best for you. Whether that’s working out 3 days out of the week or the whole 7 days, just be sure that you have the time to be able to participate in those workouts. Also try to avoid working out without an intent or purpose. Every time you work out you should know what area(s) you are focusing on, and why you are doing the workout to begin with.
This will help you stay on track with your goals, hold yourself accountable, and be a constant reminder that you are working out for all the right reasons.
Do yoga
Yoga is so great for the body and I highly recommend this practice for everyone!
There are three different levels of yoga, beginner, intermediate, and advance. This literally means that there is something for everyone no matter what your level of experience with doing yoga may be. However, do keep in mind that yoga is a flexibility activity, which means for the entire session (however long that may be) you will be twisting your body in ways that may not feel normal if you don’t routinely stretch and do yoga.
Therefore, when doing yoga, it’s important to know your own flexibility level. For example, don’t sign up for an advance yoga class is you can’t do the splits. This is very important because you will run the risk of possibly pulling an important muscle, or finding yourself in a position that you can’t get out of. These are things that you want to avoid when doing yoga.
The goal of yoga is to stretch your body, improve your stamina, and improve your overall health. It will be much easier to accomplish this in every session if you are taking the right yoga class and level. So be mindful and aware and dive in with caution.
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Drink plenty of water
Water is the best thing that you can do for your body and overall health.
I know it tastes really plain, it’s not all that exciting to drink, and it’s not what we crave when we’re thirsty, but it’s the best thing we can ever put into our bodies. Water not only helps with improving your overall health, but when you drink water you literally see the health benefits of it almost immediately!
Water is great for losing weight, toning your body, clearing your skin, improving your sleep cycle, improving brain functioning, curbing your appetite, improving your mood, improving your digestive system, reducing natural body aches and pains, and so much more. Basically, any health-related issue you may be experiencing could be a sign of dehydration, and can easily be cured by drinking water.
And yes, your body will thank you for it!
Create a self-care routine
This is my favorite way to care for my body. Self-care is something that a lot of people know about, may even talk about, but very few actually do it. If this is you, well, you need to start doing more self-care right now!
Self-care is great for your mental health, emotional health, as well as your physical health. It all works interchangeably. When you take the time to care for one area of your health you are taking the time to care for another area of your health. For example, working out is great for your physical and emotional health because you are physically caring for your body while also increasing your confidence.
It can get tricky knowing when and what type of self-care activity to engage in, so I have a basic set of rules that I follow.
- If it’s following a workout, do something that will stretch the limbs
- If it’s part of a morning routine, do something that will give your energy
- If it’s part of a nighttime routine, do something that will relax you
- If you’re just taking time for yourself, do something that brings you peace of mind
I follow these rules on a daily basis and as a result of it I have a variety of self-care practices. I’m also able to ensure that I am taking at least 15 minutes everyday to care for my body, which naturally helps me to be able to perform at my best every single day.
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Get plenty of sleep
I cannot stress this enough. As someone who frequently has trouble sleeping at night, I can honestly tell you that there’s such a huge difference in how you feel when you get plenty of sleep at night, versus when you don’t. If you are someone who has a hard time falling asleep at night you may want to look into creating a nighttime routine to help you unwind, relax, and allow your body to rest at night.
This will take some experimentation because again, you’re going to have to find what works best for your body. However, when you find what works best, keep up with it. Getting plenty of sleep at night can help with your skin complexion, your brain functioning, and of course your energy levels. It will even make engaging in other activities on this list, or in your life, easier to do because you will be able to focus on the task at hand.
Getting plenty of sleep can also assist in avoiding dehydration, which is a key part to caring for your body. When we feel well rested, we are able to do the simple things to care for our bodies, such as drinking water when we first wake up. The more tired we feel the more likely we are to just do what needs to be done to get through the day, so that we can get back to sleep, instead of taking the time to actually be present and accomplish things.
So, rest up darlings.
Stretch on the regular
I know this is not something that everyone loves to do but it’s a habit you should start adopting. Stretching is not only good for your limbs, but it can improve joint functioning, flexibility, and keep your muscles from getting tight. My recommendation is to try to stretch at least once throughout the day. Twice would be great, especially before bed. However, if you are not able to stretch this often at the very least stretch once a week.
Especially if you are someone who works out consistently. When we don’t take the time to stretch, our muscles get tight and tense and this can cause body aches, pains, and in severe cases make us feel immobile. All of this can be avoided by simply taking 15 minutes to stretch.
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Eat for energy
Who doesn’t love food? It’s great, it’s delicious, it’s exciting, and most importantly it helps us survive! However, the main intent of food is to provide our bodies with energy to be able accomplish various activities throughout the day.
Of course, everyone’s eating schedule and habits are different, and that’s ok. The key to eating for energy as a way to care for your body is to only eat when you’re hungry, and when necessary. For example, if you’re going to go hike a mountain you definitely want to eat something before you start, and have energy fueling snacks with you while on the hike. This is going to help ensure that you don’t pass out.
Keep in mind that just because food is presented to you, it doesn’t mean you have to eat it. Listen to your body and know whether or not you need it. Also be aware of how often you are eating throughout the day, and make the decision about whether or not you need to fuel your body, or if you may be over doing it. It will create wonders for your overall health.
Take rest days
I’m so guilty of doing the opposite! However, you need to have rest days in your life and make them a priority. Not only is this the perfect opportunity to be able to re-charge, slow down, and catch your breath, but it also gives your body a chance to really take in everything that you have done leading up to the rest day.
All too often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of getting shit done, that very rarely do we allow ourselves a day of rest. And when we finally get a day of rest, we don’t even rest! Instead we find other things to get done as an attempt to get them out of the way. While the ambition is greatly appreciated it’s something that we need to slow down with.
When those rest days appear take full advantage of them and literally rest. Allow yourself one day out of the week to take it easy. Instead of giving 110% in everything that you do, maybe only give about 90% so that you and your body have a chance to bounce back.
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Avoid comparing yourself to others
This is the best kind of self-love. We all fall into this trap and it’s about time that we stop doing it. I’ve come to discover that positive self-talk is the best formula for truly caring for your body. When you do this, you aren’t thinking about how you look but rather how you feel on a day to day basis. It’s the best way to engage in self-reflection and truly appreciate your body for everything that it is able to do for you.
When you spend time comparing yourself to others you are robbing yourself of the joy of truly appreciating who you are, and what you as an individual are able to do. When you compare yourself to others you are putting forth a bunch of unnecessary energy into trying to look and “feel” the way someone else does. It’s false advertising and it’ll only set you up for failure right from the start.
So instead of falling head first into the comparison trap think about what your health-related goals are and how you can best achieve them. Then think about how achieving them will make you feel, and proceed to accomplish them. The more you love and accept your body the way it is, the easier it will be for you to take that little bit of time during the day to show yourself some tender love and care.
Stay active
Finally, just stay active. If there is anything that I have learned on my own personal health journey, it’s that when I’m active I’m happy and I’m healthy. The minute I decide to be a couch potato I’m losing focus of all my health-related goals, and neglecting the love and appreciation that I have for my body. Don’t be this person.
While you don’t have to work out every day, do yoga once a week, go on long walks every other day, or even hike every weekend, you do need to do something to keep your body moving. Create a routine and find things that you can consistently incorporate throughout the day to help you stay active. This can literally be as simply as cleaning house.
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What do you do to care for your body?