There’s a lot more meaning behind what it means to be happy than what we often times see and take in on the surface. Genuine happiness comes from within. It comes from pursuing your dreams, setting goals, making genuine connections with others, and above all living your life the way that you intend to. Happiness is a gift that only you can give to yourself, and today I’m going to share with you eight ways that you can give the gift of happiness to yourself.
If you have not read How To Be A Bawse by Lilly Singh then you’re missing out! Hands down one of my favorite books that I have ever invested in! Lilly is such a great person and by far one of my favorite people on the face of this Earth (even though I don’t know her personally).
Lilly Singh is a YouTube creator, an author, and she even dabbles a little in acting. However, she is mostly known for her YouTube content where she posts short comedy videos and has a daily vlog where you get an inside look into the wonderful life of Lilly. In 2017 Lilly released her first book, How To Be A Bawse, where she shares her personal story of overcoming depression in order to build the life that she has for herself with the world.
I’ve only got my very own personal copy a year ago and I find myself returning to this book time and time again. I turn to it for so many reasons. Whether it’s to lift up my spirits, to find inspiration, or even to remind myself of the many goals and dreams that I want to achieve in my life, this book is a huge comfort to me. It has helped me in a lot of ways both personally and professionally.
Today I wanted to share with you some of the ways it has helped me in building my confidence, finding my voice, slowly overcoming my own battle of depression, and staying positive and hopeful for my future. Ready? Here we go!
Side note: Each tip listed below is the title of a chapter from Lilly’s book. I’ve taken my top eight chapters that I feel like have taught me the most about what it means to be happy and fulfilled. While I will not disclose what each chapter is about, I am giving you my perspective and what I took away from it.
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- Protect your vision
I was once told that you have to be careful with who you share your big dreams and ideas with. This is because not everyone is going to support you in them. Some will criticize you to the point where you want to abandon them. Others will try to steal them from you and make it seem as though it was an idea and a dream that they have always had for their own. To avoid things like this happening you have to be extremely careful with those you are exposing these big dreams and ideas to.
You have to protect your vision.
This isn’t to say that you can’t share your ideas, your greatest hopes, and wildest dreams with anyone, because you can. You just have to be mindful of who those people are that you are sharing that vision with. It’s a big pill to swallow but not everyone is looking to be your friend. Even if you’re the nicest, kindest, most helping, and giving person on the face of this Earth, I guarantee you that there is at least one person out there who is looking to steal your shine.
Naturally there are only so many ways in which we can prevent this from happening. But one surefire way to do so is to execute your vision as soon as possible. Don’t sit and wait for the perfect moment to do something that you want to do. One, that perfect moment will never come. There will always be a reason why you keep putting it off. Second, the longer you let it sit the more time you allow yourself to abandon it.
I truly do believe that one of the reasons why a lot of people find it so hard to be happy all the time is because they are allowing their potential to go to waste. This may be due to a lack of confidence, an imperfect vision, a lack of support, or even a lack of resources. But I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter. When you have a vison of your future no matter how big or small it may be don’t sit on it. Hold it close and only share it with those who you truly do trust the most.
Then just start working on it right then and there. I promise the more you work on it the more you’ll experience a level of happiness and fulfillment that you never even knew existed. And once you do, you’ll never want to go back.
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- Be unapologetically yourself
I can’t express enough how important it is to just be who you are. I can tell you from personal experience that not everybody is going to like you and that’s ok. You were not placed on this Earth to be everyone’s favorite cup of tea, and those who don’t like you are not the people for you. Which is why you should never pass up an opportunity to express yourself to the fullest.
People love authenticity and we can often tell when someone is being authentic and when they are putting on a front. Don’t be one of those people. Life is way too short to be uncomfortably crawling in your skin more than you are fully living within it. Something to take note of is that being unapologetically yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be outgoing, be the center of attention, or have a ton of meaningful relationships.
If that’s not who you are then don’t try to be that kind of person. It’s not an authentic version of yourself. Don’t apologize for being who you are at your core. Instead embrace it fully and share your spirit with the world. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are not apologizing for who you are at your core.
Life is way too short to be hiding in the shadows every day. Step into the light and set yourself free. Unapologetically.
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- Don’t talk crap
This was one of the biggest lessons that I took away from this book. Treat people how you would like to be treated, this even includes the way you engage in conversations with others. What you put out into this world you will get back in some way, shape, or form. I can promise you that. If you put out good energy, good energy will be returned to you. The same goes for bad energy. Lead with love and set the intention to always treat others with the upmost respect. Even when they don’t treat you in the same way.
You can’t fight fire with fire. You’ll only create a bigger fire which will harder to extinguish.
Instead, always take the high road. Even when it may seem like the hardest thing in the world, take the high road. You never know who is watching you and who may be standing behind a door that will lead you to an opportunity that will get you one step closer to all your hopes, goals, and dreams. So, treat everyone that you cross paths with, with respect, kindness, and always lead with love.
Don’t talk down on people, don’t make people feel inferior, and don’t de-value someone for their faults. This is all bad energy that will only bring you down and keep you from being successful. Instead, be positive and put that positivity out in the world. Speak kindly of others, and if you don’t like someone don’t speak on their behalf at all! You get what you put out, so it might as well be something good.
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- Have values not hobbies
I love this chapter. Lilly uses the example of bullying as invalid reason to snowball bullying behaviors. Just because someone has bullied you is no reason to bully others. Why? Because it accomplishes absolutely nothing. It doesn’t even get any kind of point across expect for the fact that you’re incapable of rising over the petty bullshit, and being better than those who did you wrong.
Don’t be that person.
The idea of having values is essentially equal to having morals. Have morals and values in place that you proudly honor and live by. These can be as simple as treating others the way in which you would always hope to be treated, or even standing up against something as simple as bullying. This doesn’t mean that you have to go above and beyond to prove a point. You don’t have to be the loudest person in the room, you don’t have to be the most giving person, you don’t even have to be the most popular or loving person.
You just need to be someone who knows what they believe in. Have morals that guide you in life and values that you stand by. When we value something, we take pride in it. This will usually almost always be one of the first things people will notice about you, or describe about you to others. So, whatever it is that you value in this life let it be something positive.
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- Be in love
Plain and simple be in love with whatever it is that is driving your life right now. For nearly my whole life the only thing I ever wanted to do was be an actress. I lived and breathed the world and art of acting and it was easily one of my biggest passions in life. As I have moved forward with my life, I have experienced new things, and I have taken on new passions. I’ve fallen in love with many different forms of art that have given me true happiness.
While acting is still a very big part of who I am, and a part of me that I believe will never die, it’s just not where my heart is right now. Right now, my heart is with this blog. I am so in love with creating content for people like you. This is my main source of happiness as of late. And the longer I blog, the more I learn about the blogging world, the more support and positive responses I get from viewers like you, the deeper in love I fall with this form of art.
All this to say that you can and you will fall in love many, many times in your lifetime. But your first love doesn’t have to be your forever love. You will grow, you will experience things, and you will always become a better version of yourself. Sometimes that means your goals or vision changes, but it never means that you can’t fall in love with the direction that your growth is taking you.
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- Commit to your decisions
One of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make in your life is the decision to commit to your goals and dreams. It’s scary to commitment to anything, especially when it revolves around your dreams and goals. But it’s so worth doing. A lot of the time we will say the things that we want out of life, the places we want to go, the kind of company that we want to keep, but we never really do anything to make it so.
Manifesting verbally is not enough. You can do all the verbal manifesting that you want, but it doesn’t over-rule the fact that in order to get what we really want out of life, we have to put in the hard work. You have to work you ass off to get everything that you want in life. Not only will it be more meaningful to you when you do get it, but it also says a lot about your character. Such as the fact that you’re not afraid to make commitments and see those commitments through.
Finding success with this blog is something that I have really had to commit to. I’ll admit that it’s been a challenge, but it’s also been an uphill climb. Every time I follow through with a commitment for this blog, I see a positive change somewhere. That reward, no matter how small it may be, is enough validation for me to keep doing what I’m doing. Not to say that validation is everything, but sometimes it’s the kind of push we need.
You will never get those small moment of validation if you don’t commit to your goals, your dreams, and your decisions. When you’ve made your mind up about something set out to do it. Don’t’ sit and wait for a miracle to happen. The time for action is now, so commit.
- Let go of FOMO
If you don’t know what FOMO is it’s the Fear Of Missing Out. This is literally the fear of being out of the loop about what is going. It’s the fear of not being a part of something. The fear that you are missing out on something relevant while the whole world is attending.
Well I’ve got news for you. The whole world is not attending! And there is nothing that you are missing out on! You have to let go of this idea that the best moments in life happens somewhere where you are not present, through social media because this isn’t true. Sure, we see things on the internet that look very appealing to the eyes, and people write amazing descriptions about the activities taking place in the photo, but the reality is that if they were really having such a great time, they wouldn’t have cared to find a moment to post about it.
Not to say that you can’t share special moments in your life on social media, but to literally disclose every second of an event is just proof that you’re not missing out on anything. If people would rather be posting about it on social media, than authentically experiencing it in the moment, you’re not the one missing out. They are.
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- Grab onto JOMO (this is not a chapter in the book)
So, you’re letting go of FOMO what now? Now you grab onto JOMO, the Joy Of Missing Out. This is literally the opposite of FOMO and means that instead of fearing that you are missing out on something, find joy in the fact that you are living and being present in your own life!
I swear I have a major case of JOMO and honestly, I have no shame in this. While my life isn’t over the top amazing, and I may not have the biggest group of friends, what I do have is my happiness. And that happiness isn’t overshadowed by social media or any fears that I may have in regards to being out of the loop about something. That happiness is genuine because it’s something that I have created and will continue to create for myself.
Click here to get your very own copy!
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There you have it. These are eight of the biggest and most impactful lessons that I took away from Lilly Singh’s book. While it does not have all the answers as to what it takes to be happy, it does have just enough to help you start that journey right now. It’s not a solution to anything, rather just an example of how you can overcome obstacles of any kind, in order to become the happiest version of you that you can possibly be. This book has helped me learn how to live my happiest life to the fullest like a bawse. Now it’s your turn!