It’s not easy practicing mindfulness. This is because to really practice mindfulness you have to allow yourself to be present and nonjudgmental on a moment to moment basis. In order to achieve this, you have to adopt some very mindful habits, which in themselves can be hard to maintain.
It sounds pretty simple but it’s not. If it were everyone would practice mindfulness consistently.
So how do we practice mindfulness? What does it mean to be mindful? Maybe you’re wondering, as the title suggests, what are some consistent habits of mindful people?
If any of these questions popped into your mind you are in the right place. While I’m no expert on what it means to be mindful, I do consider myself to be a mindful person. I’m not perfect but I do my best to practice it every day. I have also made a habit of developing some of the most important habits of mindful people to help me practice mindfulness consistently.
If you want in on this whole mindfulness movement then I’m your girl. Today I’m going to share with you 12 habits of mindful people that you should consider adopting today.
But first, what is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the state of awareness. To achieve mindfulness, you must be present in the moment, in a nonjudgmental way, and be aware of everything that is happening around you. Your thoughts, your feelings, your bodily sensations, the temperature in the air, the background noise, and even the silence (or not) that may be surrounding you outside.
To sum it completely and in more simpler terms, mindfulness is the act of bringing your attention to the experiences you are experiencing in the present moment.
Achieving mindfulness is not easy but it’s not impossible either. There are many ways that mindfulness can be practiced, but the key to achieving a mindful state of mind is to be consistent in your mindfulness practices. Think of mindfulness as a muscle. You have to work it out in order to make it stronger.
The stronger it becomes the more easily you will be able to access it, and you continue to work it, so that it will continue to become stronger, so that you will be able to achieve a state of mindfulness whenever and wherever you may need to.
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What are common habits of mindful people?
While there are plenty of ways that you can practice mindfulness some of them just don’t work well with everyone. You have to test out different practices and find what does and does not work for you. While none of the habits of mindful people are impossible to practice, they do require commitment and dedication in order to really achieve that natural and consistent state of mindfulness.
Below you will find a few common habits of mindful people. These are also some habits that I have adopted as part of my daily mindfulness practice. Check them out below to learn more.
They meditate
Oh sweet, sweet meditation. I absolutely love meditating. I use to never mediate because I could never wrap my head around the importance of it. I use to think that it was boring, that it did nothing positive for the mind or body, and that there really was not point in doing it.
Boy was I wrong.
I started meditating back in 2017 and slowly began to fall in love with it. It wasn’t until earlier this year when I started to make it a consistent habit of mines and honestly, I’m glad that I did. Meditation is the act of focusing your mind on something very specific in order to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally clam state of being.
That very specific thing you are choosing to focus on can be anything. You can paint a pretty picture in your mind, focus on a particular object that you draw energy from, focus on your breathing, or just simply focus on your thoughts (positive ones only).
The beauty of meditation is that it doesn’t matter what you are choosing to draw positive energy from, just so long as you are using that moment to center yourself.
What I love most about meditation is the fact that it really helps to train your attention span by expanding it to focus on one thing at a time, and it can even help you in increasing your awareness ability. Also, there is honestly no right or wrong way to meditate. My best advice would be to find a quiet place with no distractions, and to just mentally and emotionally set yourself free.
They practice gratitude
If you’re unfamiliar with what gratitude is let me break it down for you. Gratitude is the act of showing thankfulness or appreciation for all the blessing in the world that you have been given. These blessing come in many different forms such as kindness, love, and sometimes the physical things like money, or food.
Whatever those blessings may be, when you participate in gratitude you express the gratefulness that you feel for being able to receive those blessing from someone.
While you may think gratitude is something that would be easy to practice, I’m here to tell you that it can be hard. What makes it hard is the fact that in order to truthfully practice gratitude you have to understand what it means to be humble. For some people practicing gratitude is nearly impossible if you don’t humble yourself first. With that being said it can easily be argued that the root or foundation of gratitude is being humble.
One way I like to keep myself grounded and humbled is by keeping track of my blessings. These may be blessing I have received from others, or blessing that I am just thankful for to have in my life compared to others, like a warm bed to sleep in at night.
You too can keep track of all your blessings with this 52-week gratitude journal. This journal is filled with daily prompts that are sure to help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude, and keep your life filled with blessings from above. If you’re not already practicing gratitude, or counting your blessings, I highly suggest that you adopt this habit now.
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They allow themselves to be present
A big part of mindfulness is allowing yourself to be present. This means that you eliminate as many distractions as you possibly can so that you show up presently in any given moment. This can be in a conversation that you are having with a friend, whenever you meditate, spending time with your family, when you are at work, or even when you have some downtime to engage in self-care.
It can be hard to be present in any moment because it does require you to be vulnerable. If I’m being honest, being vulnerable is the scariest thing in the world and most of us don’t like to be. But like a good friend and mentor of mines once told me, if you’re too scared to be vulnerable how the hell can anyone ever have the chance of getting to know the real and authentic you?
The best way to start training yourself to be more present is by practicing focusing all of your attention and energy on one thing at a time.
My challenge for you is the next time that you are sitting down and having a conversation with someone, or sitting down with your family and eating dinner, do so without looking at your phone. Turn your phone off and put it away for the entire time that you are spending that time with someone else…
And watch how magical and freeing that experience will be. Let me know how it turned out for you!
They nurture their mind and body
Basically, mindful people take great care of their minds and bodies. Of course, there are many different ways that you can do this but perhaps the most effective and easiest way to do so is to develop a consistent wellness routine of some sort.
What I like to do is have a set schedule that I follow every single day. For me that schedule includes working out, drinking plenty of water, and engaging in at least 30 minutes of self-care daily. My self-care practices will differ from day to day, sometimes it includes meditation, other times it includes stretching. It really just depends on whatever I feel I need to fuel my mind and body with for the day.
My advice to you is create a wellness routine that is perfect for you. But don’t just create it, practice it consistently (and religiously). Doing so will transform your life in many positive ways. This is also a great way to put yourself first and ensure that you are making your personal health and wellness a priority in your life.
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They consistently practice self-care
Just like mentioned above you have got to have a consistent self-care practice of some sort. Self-care is the habit of taking care of your mind, body, and soul. This is going to look different for everyone due to the fact that different things fuel different people with positive energy.
The best way to create a consistent self-care routine is to first identify what fuels you positively. For me it’s working out, keeping myself hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and going on long walks whenever I can.
So I do my best to make a point to workout for at least 15 minutes every day, to keep myself hydrated by drinking more water than I do soda or tea, by ensuring that I get at least 6 hours of sleep every night, and by taking my dogs on 30+ minute walks whenever I am able to.
What will, or does, your daily self-care routine look life?
They separate their thoughts from their emotions
Another big part of being mindful is understanding when your thoughts need to be in control of your actions, and when your emotions are trying to take over. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea and think that this means you can’t be an emotional person, or express your emotions because that’s not what I mean.
What I mean is that you don’t take everything so personal.
You understand the difference between letting your emotions drive your actions, and letting your thoughts speak louder. Mindful people understand that they are allowed to be vulnerable and to express their feelings, but that at the end of the day it’s their thoughts that are either positively or negatively influencing the way they interact with the world and those around them.
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They choose to be a part of nature
This is a big one for me personally and something that I always try to encourage others to do. This can be something as simple as sitting outside on your front porch, going for a short walk, or sitting on a bench reading a good book in the park. The main goal here is to get outside at least once every day, even if only for a little bit. That way you’re getting some good ol’ vitamin D from the sun, and allowing yourself to catch a breath of fresh air.
They’re imperfect (they don’t take themselves seriously)
This is one of my favorite things about practicing mindfulness. There is this unspoken understanding that there is no need, let alone any pressure, to be perfect. Mindful people don’t take themselves seriously because they understand that the true beauty of practicing mindfulness is knowing that being authentic and grateful is the ripple effect for good karma, always.
They actively listen to others
Active listening is another big part of being mindful. This is the act of listening intently and thoughtfully to others. In cases such as these you don’t do a whole lot of talking, instead you let others do most of the talking and you simply just sit there and listen.
This is another habit that is hard for a lot of people to develop. This is because we all like to hear ourselves talk and feel like our opinion matters and has value. While this is true, it’s also true that in order for our opinions to have value and to matter, we don’t need to always have the answer, let alone to get the last word.
Sometimes this just simply means hearing others out and responding through your actions, not your words.
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They listen to their intuition
I know they say that intuition is the strongest aspect of a woman, and as a woman I am not denying that, but I also believe that intuition can be the strongest aspect of anybody. Our intuition is sort of like our gut, when we know we know something, we just know that we know it to be true. Even if we don’t have the answers as to how we know it.
Mindful people always listen to their gut. They listen to their deepest thoughts, their greatest feelings, and they trust whatever it is that their intuition is telling them. Think of your intuition as that voice that resides deep inside of you. Trust that, that voice will never tell you any lies, and that it will never steer you wrong.
This is the quickest way to start building trust within yourself, to start building upon your confidence, and start the habit of letting your intuition drive your mindfulness lifestyle.
They rest
Simply put get plenty of sleep. I know with the day to day crazy hustle and bustle it may be hard for most people to get a good 8 hours of sleep a night. Trust me I get it because I am one of those people. However, I’m here to tell you that while 8 hours of sleep is recommended, you personally may not even need that many hours for a good night’s rest.
I personally can get away with 6 hours, and still feel well rested with enough energy to get shit done during the day. The key to getting plenty of rest, no matter how many hours that may be for you, is to have a consistent wellness routine that you are able to participate in daily. This is a great way to make sure that you are exhausting yourself every day to be able to go to sleep at night, sometimes earlier, and get the right amount of sleep that is needed for you personally every night.
They smile often
My favorite habit, smiling. It’s amazing how a simple smile can change everything. Have you ever had a bad day and some random stranger just looked your way, made eye contact and they just simply smiled at you? Naturally you smile back even if everything inside of you is telling you not to, and somehow that small act of kindness, that small interaction of love and appreciation, just turns your whole day around.
That’s the power in smiling and spreading happiness and kindness to others.
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That’s pretty much it! While there are a ton of habits that you can adopt to become a more mindful person, these by far of some of the most common (and easiest) ones to begin with.
So, if there’s anything you take away from these habits of mindful people, let it be that a little bit of kindness can go a really long way. Even when that kindness is something as simple as smiling.
What are some habits that you do to be as mindful as you possible can? Sound off in the comments! I wanna hear all about them 😊.