You’re just on the go, getting things done as fast as you possibly can.
Been there, done that, and I still find myself reverting back to these bad habits from time to time. Here’s the thing, when we know we have a busy day/schedule ahead of us we don’t take the necessary time to prepare for it. Instead, we spend all that time “preparing” trying to map out in our heads the best way to accomplish all the tasks that need to be completed for the day as fast as we possibly can.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this, it’s not the right way to approach the day. When we approach our busy days with the “how to accomplish these tasks” mindset, we miss the most important step prior to this day arriving.
The step of planning and preparing to stay on track with our health and wellness goals while we tackle the busy day.
I do it all the time and every time it happens, I beat myself up about it!
I always go to bed the night before with a wake-up time to get up and workout. Then when it’s time to wake-up I usually just end up laying in bed longer than I had planned before getting up and starting my day, skipping out on the workout. In my mind I plan to workout at the end of the day, but the honest truth is that I’m so tired that I just end up going to bed.
As you can see, I miss working out for the day, which is a very important part of my day and daily wellness routine for me.
This is a big no, no in my book.
After repeating this cycle one too many times I’ve finally found the perfect system to help me NOT repeat this cycle any more. Now I swear by 5 health tips that help me not only stay on top of all my health and wellness goals, but have also help me get through a busy schedule successfully.
By successfully I mean I am able to accomplish all my to-do tasks while staying as healthy as I possibly can. This includes working out when in the morning before officially starting my day! If you want in on the secret, check out my 5 health tips that are sure to help you stay healthy with a busy schedule below!
Related Post: How to Create the Perfect Workout Routine at Home in 4 Simple Steps + Free Printable!
Meal prep accordingly
I have found it to be easier for me to eat healthy when I meal prep the necessary meals for the day. Usually this will be my lunch since I’m almost always done with my tasks by time dinner rolls around (I’m not a big breakfast person). While meal prepping is a new area for me that I’m still trying to make a consistent habit out of, it is something that I have found makes getting through my day easier.
The way I see it meal prepping makes me have one less thing to think about and try to fit into the schedule during the day. I like the idea of knowing that I already have my meals prepared for the day, and all that I have to do it warm it up. This keeps me on track with completing my tasks and helps me stay on track with eating as healthy as I possibly can.
While meal prepping may sound time consuming (and I won’t lie it can be depending on what meals you are prepping), I promise you taking the time to do so will save you from stress eating throughout the day!
If you’ve never meal prepped before don’t worry, it’s so easy that a 5-year-old can do it 😉.
Here’s how to meal prep:
First, you will need to invest in some storage containers. While any storage container will do, I recommend sticking to glass storage containers. These containers will keep your food fresher longer, they are good for your health and the environment, and your food won’t stain the actual containers!
Next, you will need to decide what you will be eating for each meal during the day. For example, since I am able to usually eat dinner with my family I mainly meal prep on my busy days for lunch. Sometimes if I eat breakfast I just stick to fresh fruits, but I’m usually not eating breakfast since I’m not really hungry when I first wake up. To make this process smoother try to stick to really simple meals and meals that you will actually eat.
Once step one and two are done all that’s left to do is cook/prep the meals, and then store them in your storage container inside the refrigerator.
You can check out this article for more information about how to meal prep. Also, if you’re in need of some meals that are quick and simple for meal prepping, check out this article.
Related Post: 6 Types of Foods That Are Good for Your Health and Jump Starting A Healthier Diet
Sleep the night before
I cannot stress enough how important it is that you sleep! I know they say a good night’s rest is 8 hours of sleep, but for some that may be 6 or even less (yikes!). Whatever is a good number of hours of sleep for you just be sure that you get those hours in the night before. This will ensure that when you wake up the next morning you will be relaxed and ready to start your day.
Getting enough sleep the night before will also help with your concentration. I don’t know about you, but when I haven’t slept enough hours and I have to tackle a busy day, I have a terrible headache for the whole day. Instead of thinking about when my errands will be done, I’m always thinking about when I can get back to my bed and try to rest my eyes, and ease the headache.
I don’t want this for you! I want you to be focusing on what’s happening in the present moment. This will not only help you have a better and much more enjoyable day, but it will also probably help you accomplish your tasks faster than you thought you would be able to.
Keep a water bottle handy
I am a big believer in hydration! There are so many positive health benefits to drinking water so if this is not already a consistent part of your wellness routine, it’s time that you make that adjustment.
While you’re out and about handling business for the day, one of a few things are going to happen:
- Either you’re going to find yourself very thirsty after completing the first task for the day.
- You’re going to get hungry at some point which is going to remind you that you need something to drink.
- The weather may make you become thirstier than you may have anticipated.
- It may be a while before your next break, which means it may be a while before you can hydrate yourself again.
This always happens to me! In fact, it has happened to me enough times that I know better, which is why I’m sharing this tip with you. Just invest in a water bottle. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or super expensive. Just something that will hold water for you, and that you can take everywhere you go.
This will save you from being dehydrated and can even help curb your appetite until your next meal, if you tend to snack a lot throughout the day.
Related Post: Lemon Water Vs. Good Old Plain Water. Which Should You Be Drinking More Of?
Snack on nuts, fruits, veggies, and other healthier choices
Of course, making sure that you eat your necessary meals throughout the day is important. This includes breakfast (if you’re a breakfast person), lunch, and dinner.
However, you also want to make sure that you have some healthy snacks on hand, especially if you tend to skip breakfast. I don’t know about you, but I usually end up getting hungry the minute that I start my day. Sometimes this may be too early for me to eat breakfast (if I’m choosing to eat breakfast that day), so I make sure that I have some type of fruit that I’m able to eat.
I also try to snack after eating lunch and before dinner. This will help curb my appetite (with the help of drinking water), and prevent me from eating multiple meals throughout the day, or snacking on chips, candy, and other unhealthy choices throughout the day. Some of my favorite snacks to keep on hand are almonds, wheat thins, a banana or apple, sunflower seeds, or granola bars.
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Get your body moving
Perhaps the most important thing to do is to keep your body moving. If your busy days are anything like mines then this shouldn’t’ really be a problem. You’re probably up and moving roughly every 20 minutes anyways. If this is not the case then make sure to find a couple of minutes every hour, at least 10 minutes, to just get up and walk.
If your busy day consists of you staying the house then you are going to want to make sure that you are moving every hour. This will prevent you from becoming lazy, it will help with blood circulation, keep you awake, and most importantly keep your mind from becoming overwhelmed with the task at hand.
All in all:
- Meal prep accordingly
- Sleep the night before
- Keep a water bottle handy
- Snack on nuts, fruits, veggies, and other healthier choices
- Get your body moving
It can be a challenge finding ways to stay healthy when you have a busy day/schedule ahead of you, but it doesn’t have to. Of course, you will have to find your own groove and a way to implement these tips into your busy lifestyle in a manner that best compliments you, but it’s not hard.
These tips are simple and easy adjustments that can be made to make your busy days easier to tackle. Will you be giving some of these a try? Let me know!
Related Post: How to Boost Your Confidence So That You Can Live A Happier Life
See you soon love bug!