As we get closer and closer to moving into the new year, I’ve been taking a lot of time to think about what I want my life to look like next year, and moving forward. This year hasn’t been the best year for me. In fact, if I’m being honest it’s probably been one of the worst years of my life. I’ll spare you the details but just know that there have been a lot of downs, and very few ups, and any ups that I did experience were immediately dominated by the many downs that were destined to soon follow.
I am a believer that everything happens for a reason and when it is meant to happen. So while 2018 wasn’t a good year for me at all I’m accepting of the fact that everything that I experienced this year, was meant to happen. It was all a part of a bigger plan for me, and most importantly it is these very experiences that are going to continue to help me become the best version of myself.
So yes, I believe in this little thing called destiny, but man oh man am I glad to say goodbye to 2018! As much as I am happy to finally have this nightmare of a year end for me, I’m even more excited to start the new year off on a fresh foot. I’m ready to make new goals, face new challenges, discover more of my creativity, and continue to better myself in any way that I possibly can. As I move into this new year there are three core areas of my life that I want to put a heavy focus on.
1. My health
2. My passions and dreams
3. My happiness
A big part of what made this year so hard for me was because I was spreading myself too thin. I spent a lot of time attending to the needs and wants of everybody around me, and not enough time attending to my own needs. Next year I plan to do the exactly opposite of that. Next year I plan to invest more into myself in order to start working towards achieving my ultimate happiness.
To get myself in the right mind frame for achieving these goals, I thought I’d share them with you. Just put them out there in the atmosphere and slowly let them manifest. After all, I do believe that when we put the things that we want to achieve in life out into the universe, and we speak on them, we allow them to become true (manifestation). So without further a-do, here are my goals for the new year!
Related Posts: 15 Goals to Make For the New Year to Live a Happier and More Fulfilled Life
Health Goals
1. Adopt and commit to a consistent workout routine
2. Participate in more healthy eating
3. Get out a walk every day for at least 30 minutes (especially when the weather is nice)
4. Mediate every day when I wake up in the morning
5. Participate in yoga at least once a week
6. Participate in some form of self-care once a week
Passions and Dreams Goals
1. Complete an apprenticeship with my acting teacher at her acting studio
2. Participate in at least one play next year
3. Dedicate more time to my blog
4. Create more space in my life for creativity
5. Publish my first e-book
6. Start writing my second e-book
Happiness Goals
1. Stress less and smile more
2. Practice patience
3. Spend more time doing what I love, and less time doing things that serve me no greater purpose
4. Walk away from situations that make me uncomfortable (in a bad way)
5. Put out more positive energy into the world, eliminate any negativity in my life
6. Put myself first (after the children)
Related Posts: Health & Wellness Goals to Make For the New Year
Very simple but super important goals for me as I move into the next year. I want to start pushing myself to take the leap of life to commit to living a happier and more fulfilled life. Up until now I feel like I’ve been taking baby steps to get here simply because there is this fear of the unknown that is holding me back. Next year I want to eliminate that fear from my life, and just take the leap and see where it all takes me.
Next year will be a good year for me because I’m going to make it a good year. Happy and fulfilled is my name, manifestation is the game (too nerdy?).
What are some of your goals for the new year? Share them with me!
Until next year love bugs!