If you haven’t caught on by now, or if you are new to the blog (welcome by the way!), Halloween is by far my favorite holiday! I love all the costumes, even though I very rarely dress up for Halloween. I love all the candy that the kids indulge on for the month of October, even though I’m not a huge candy eater myself. I’m such a huge fan of all the Halloween themed parties that people throw every year, even though I always admire from a far, and have failed to host my very own Halloween themed party (but one day I will!). I love the thrill of trick-or-treating with the little ones, even if that means I have to freeze my ass off for a good hour. I of course love all the Halloween movies that I can finally watch without judgement from others!
There’s so much to love about this holiday but these are by far my favorite! Since there are so many reasons why one should and can very easily fall in love with this spooky holiday, there are also many reasons why one can lose sight of their health and wellness goals. Especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching.
No shame if this is you because this is me too!
There’s just something about the second half of the year that always makes me lose sight of all my health and wellness goals. I either stop working out altogether or become very lazy in my workouts. It’s almost as if I’ve convinced myself that I’ve put in a good amount of effort during the first half of the year, that I’ve earned the right to slack off the second half of the year. While I do think that we all deserve to give our bodies a break every once in a while, (when and as needed), I don’t think that we could ever put “enough” effort into our health and wellness routine to not actively work on it for the last six months out of the whole year.
Consistency is key to any health and wellness routine. The more you practice it, the more it becomes a natural part of who you are. We have to hold ourselves accountable to not lose sight of our health and wellness goals, to continue to engage in our daily wellness practices, and to continue to put our overall health first. Yes, that means even when some of the best holidays are quickly approaching us and all we want to do is give into temptation.
So how do we go about keeping our health and wellness goals in sight during and after Halloween? Look no further because I’ve got the answer you’ve been searching for!
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Related Posts: Halloween Calendar Activities Week 2
It’s no secret that I absolutely LOVE Blogilates! I love Blogilates so much that Cassey, the founder and creator of Blogilates, is my personal YouTube health and fitness coach. She helps me stay on track of all of my fitness goals and is even helping me train my body to become more flexible. A bonus to Cassey’s commitment to the health and fitness world is that she’s so inspiring and motivating. She has a special gift of helping all of her followers get through every grueling workout she leads, and somehow makes us want to come back for more.
Which is exactly what we all do anyways, even knowing that her workouts will kick our asses every single time. This is why I have given Cassey the title not only as my personal YouTube health and fitness coach, but also as one of my best friends…she just doesn’t know it yet!
There are so many great things to say about Cassey and the work she does as a fitness and health coach. Since discovering her back in 2013 I have been following her legacy and swearing by all of her workout videos to help me stay in shape. They are super intense and really work every single muscle in your body. So yes, you will feel the burn every time you put yourself through a 20-minute, sometimes an hour, workout with Cassey. However, the burn you feel is absolutely without a doubt worth it.
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Related Posts: Halloween Calendar Activities Week 4
Last year I pushed myself through a workout series that Cassey put together in the spirit of Halloween. The series was so creative and super fun to participate in. Cassey released five superhero inspired workout videos during the whole month of October. Naturally when Cassey announced that she was doing this I was super pumped!
I mean that’s freaking awesome, right! A superhero inspired workout video series that is going to help you burn calories, tone your body, train your body to be more flexible, and above all make yourself feel GOOD about yourself. Working out can’t possibly get any better than this! The best part is that all of the videos are a PITT28 workout.
PIIT28 is a Pilates Intense Interval Training workout that you do in the course of 28 minutes. This means there are seven workout moves per video that are going to work out every single muscle in your body for 28 minutes. Sounds super intense and it can be, but it’s so worth it in the end.
Curious as to what these videos are? Then look no further! Below you will find the number one workout series to help you stay in shape during and after Halloween!
1. Fight the Fat Workout Sailor Moon Inspired PIIT28 Workout
- 2. Exercises to Grow Taller, Improve Posture & Get Lean PIIT28 Supergirl Inspired Workout
3. Strong like Wonder Woman Workout PIIT28 Fat Burning Exercises
4. Kick Butt Blaster PIIT28 Street Fighter Inspired Workout
5. Low Impact Total Body Workout Apartment Friendly Exercises Inspired by Catwoman
When October rolled around last year I was super pumped and ready to get into it. I loved the workout series so much that I did it every day for the month of October, and sporadically every week for the rest of the year. Even still to this day these videos are some of the more common workout videos by Cassey that I will use as my workout for the day/week/month.
If you try out any of these workouts by Cassey be sure to share your thoughts with me! I promise working out along with Cassey to just one of these superhero inspired videos is sure to make you want to be a part of the Blogilates family in no time!
Related Posts: 16 Spook-tastic Halloween Ideas to Help You Celebrate the Spookiest Holiday of All!
Related Posts: The Best Tips to Help You Stay Healthy This Halloween
Do you have any fun workout videos to help you stay in shape? Are you fan of Cassey and Blogilates? Sound off in the comments below!
Happy Halloween love bugs!!
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