Lately I’ve been making a point to allow my goals to be one of the biggest priorities in my life right now. I’ve spent most of my life creating these super amazing goals that mean so much to me, but always putting them on hold. Specifically, the goals that I know for a fact would be life changing for me (in a good way) if I really just reached for them. Other things always managed to get in the way, like school, the kids, or even at times work. This made it very hard for me to juggle all these responsibilities and continue to reach for my goals.
Earlier this year I made the decision to take a break from working and to put more time and energy towards my goals. At the time it wasn’t a permanent decision just something I knew I needed to do for myself in order to be happy. It’s been a while and I still haven’t returned back to working a full-time or part-time job and honestly, I have no intentions of doing so anytime soon (but we’ll see how life goes).
Really taking the time these past 6 months to rediscover my greatest passions and actively participate in them reminded me of how important it is to stay motivated and focused on my goals. Not working your typical job has given me a few extra hours during the day to put a lot of time, energy, and dedication towards projects that mean a lot to me. It may be a slow start but I’m starting to see them make a positive difference in my life.
In complete honesty making my goals a priority has been really refreshing, so satisfying, and at times very frustrating. It’s frustrating at times because finding the motivation to continue to work towards something meaningful to me, knowing that there won’t be any instant gratification, can sometimes be very defeating. It’s so much easier to work towards something when the results are instant, but that doesn’t always mean that it’s meaningful or fulfilling. That’s what makes it so refreshing and satisfying. The fact that I know I am working towards something that is going to change my life for the better.
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Scary as it may seem reaching for your goals completely do-able! Timing is everything. Today, tomorrow, or two years from now may not be the right time for you, but there will eventually come a day when the time is right to stop putting meaningless or unfulfilling priorities before your goals. Until that time comes make a commitment to motivate yourself to slowly make your goals a priority, so that when the right time for you does come you’re ready to put them into motion.
Not sure how you motivate yourself to make your goals a priority to achieve them someday? No worries, I’ve got you covered.
- Make time for your goals
You will get absolutely nowhere with achieving your goals if all you do is sit on the impulse to work towards them, but never commit to making the time to actively work towards them. Life is unpredictable and it will get in the way of your intentions sometimes. However, you can never let that be a reason you don’t try to make your goals a priority. Take a hard look at areas in your life where you can schedule in time to focus on your goals. Who knows, maybe in doing so you will even stumble upon areas in your life and daily schedule where you can actually substitute one activity for another.
Even if you don’t necessarily find the perfect time where you can dedicate that time to your goals, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. If you find yourself struggling with this then that means you need to start treating your goals as a priority in life. Make it a consistent part of your daily/weekly/monthly routine that way there are never any excuses for why you can’t work towards them. This is the best way you can motivate yourself to make progress, even if it’s slow, towards achieving your goals.
- Share your thoughts & ideas with trusted people
I was once told “be careful who you share your big ideas with”. This may seem like a silly thing to say to someone but believe it or not there is a lot of meaning (and truth) to this saying. You have to be careful with who you share big ideas with because you never know what people’s true intentions are. I’m passing this bit of wisdom onto you by telling you the same goes for your goals. You never know what the intention of others may be in regards to you doing something positive and life changing for yourself. As hard as it may be to believe, everyone doesn’t always have your best interest at heart and this can get in the way of you achieving your goals.
Some people will find ways to make you feel incomplete simply because it makes them feel complete, or it satisfies them in some way. some people will be discouraging of you reaching for your goals because they don’t have that fire within them to reach for theirs. The key to not letting these kinds of people get in the way of you reaching for your goals is to be mindful of who you share your big ideas with. You’re going to want to share these ideas with people who will support you unconditionally, and will genuinely want to encourage you to make your goals a priority. That support alone will be enough motivation for you to believe in your ability to achieve your goals in spite of what others may think or say.
- Encourage yourself to keep going
Something that is even more important and essential for reaching your goals than just making them a priority, is encouraging yourself to keep the fire within you to do so. It’s so easy to depend and lean on others to build that fire within you, but the truth of the matter is you have to be able to build that fire within yourself by yourself. You have to be able to hold yourself accountable for your role in your decision to make your goals a priority. After all, you are the one who will be putting in the hard work to achieve them. Therefore, you should have the ability to be able to motivate yourself enough to put in that hard work towards them. Especially when those you depend on or who support you aren’t around to do so.
This is important because only you know what the bigger picture for all your goals looks like. Only you know what exactly you want the end results of your goals to be, and what you don’t want them to be. Therefore, only you can be the one in control of reaching your goals. So, find a way to start and maintain the fire within yourself. Motivating yourself from the inside out will be all the motivation you need to stay focused on your goals and trust in your gut that you are doing what you are meant to be doing at the right time in your life.
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- Envision the bigger picture
Remember you are the only one who knows what you want the end results of your goals to look like. Knowing that part of your goals is already a big part of envisioning the bigger picture. The bigger picture is how you envision completing or achieving your goals will look like. What will your life be like? Where will you be living? Just how much of your life will be different or remain the same?
These are all things you begin to envision the closer you get to achieving your goals. This is where motivation is key to reaching your goals. By envisioning what every little success leading up to the bigger goal is going to look like, you are creating motivation within yourself. With every little success that contributes to achieving your goals, the motivation to keep going will become deeper. Envisioning every little step, every little milestone achieved is going to help make the bigger picture that much clearer.
- Know that every little step counts
The hardest part about staying motivated for your goals is having to take the necessary steps to get there. It can seem very tiring and defeating at times but I promise it’s worth it. Think about every little step you take towards reaching your goals. All those steps are necessary milestones that you have to achieve before you can grab hold of the gold. These steps and milestones are the building blocks to your ultimate goal.
It’s essential that you don’t overlook or try to bypass these steps because you never know what opportunities may come about them. Your journey to reaching your goals will present you with many different paths to take, these steps are going to be the ones to lead the way down a path that will ultimately guide you to your goal. That alone will make it all the more meaningful and fulfilling to you.
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Staying motivated to reach your goals is a lot like pushing yourself to try something new. It’s scary and can be intimidating at times, but in the end, it’s always fulfilling. I was really scared when I started off this year walking away from my job and sort of just free floating throughout the months, but at the same time I was really happy. I was happy because I was free floating throughout the months doing things that I loved and found to be fulfilling to my soul.
That’s what I’ve been striving for this year and what I will be striving for, for the rest of my life. To do things that ate satisfying for me personally, and genuinely make me happy. I hope that sharing my story with you about making my goals a priority, and how you can find motivation to reach for your goals will inspire you enough to do the same. Making your goals a priority is a big (and brave) decision to make.
It’s a choice and a goal that I wouldn’t trade in for the world because at the end of the day it makes me very happy. This can ring true for you too. All you have to do is get out of your own way, stop limiting yourself to what you can and cannot do. Take the leap. You may not know exactly where it will take you, but so long as you have the motivation, determination, and commitment to reach for your goals, you will know exactly where you will end up.
See you soon love bug.