Hi guys!
Man, this past week has been super busy for me! The day finally came when I got the greenlight to get my special project up and running and let me tell you…it was amazing!!! I’m talking a huge success! Very busy, a little bit of hiccups here and there, but once we got the ball rolling everything went rolling (in a good way). 2 hours and 30 minutes later day 1 of the shoot for my project was complete. Honestly, I didn’t think it would be able to pull it off, but somehow (with the help of my lovely little helpers) I was able to.
As a result of it I feel so accomplished, so happy, and so empowered. Most importantly I feel so ready to do more work like this! That’s so exciting, right!?! When people are doing the things that they love and they are finding fulfillment in doing it, even when they have their doubts about it. It’s literally the best feeling in the world simply because you proved all those doubtful thoughts you had about your ability to be able to do it wrong!
There was a lot of physical activity going on (not just with me but with my models and my helpers as well), and the heat was at an all time high (or maybe it was just me?). So, I had to make sure that I was staying on top of my physical wellness that day. I’m not just talking about being in the best shape possible to be able to actively move around and keep a good pace for the whole 2 hours and 30 minutes (because time is money). I’m also talking about making sure that my body was properly fueled from the inside out for the entire time period in order to keep a good pace going to ensure that we finished within the time frame we had scheduled.
Here’s what I did to stay on top of my physical wellness this entire past week, and the day of the shoot for my special project.
- Water bottle city
I talk a lot about drinking water. I know this, you know this (if you read my blogs), everybody in my life knows this, but you guys there are so many health benefits that come from drinking water. Especially on days when you know you are going to be very busy. Some of those amazing health benefits include:
- Maximizing your physical performance
- Good hydration for your body and your brain
- Can treat headaches (but if you’re drinking enough water throughout the day it can prevent the headaches from happening)
- Can assist in weight loss
- Gives you ton of energy
- Flushes out toxins
- Promotes good and healthy skin
- Prevents bad breath
And so much more. Literally the list can go on and on. You’ll have to trust me on this one. Better yet, if you’d love me to write a post about all the positive health benefits that come from drinking water (that I know of), let me know and I will make that happen!
Anyways, the point is I drink a lot of water throughout the day and doing so on the day of my shoot was no different. I often times hear from people that they find it very hard to drink water throughout the day. There’s this rule of thumb (more like a suggested rule of thumb) that the human body should be consuming around 8 glasses of water a day. While I agree with this and work very hard every day to drink around 8 glasses of water every day, I do realize that for most people this is a healthy habit that they have yet to take up.
There are many reasons why this healthy habit is not adopted by most people, some of them are debatable reasons, but regardless the human body needs to consume some amount of water every day. My best and most highly recommended piece of advice I can give you to ensure you are drinking throughout the day is to carry a water bottle with you everywhere you do. Literally everywhere you go. You can invest in one just about from any store they sell cups (Target, King Soopers, Walmart, Online shops) and they are so inexpensive.
My favorite place to buy water bottles are from Target and my favorite physical wellness online shop/website, Blogilates . Cassey is always designing new water bottles and they always look so beautiful and amazing. If you haven’t caught on by now I’m a water bottle junkie and have TONS of water bottles!! So, trust me when I say, if your goal is to drink more water throughout the day get yourself a water bottle.
Another great and totally inexpensive way to ensure that you are hydrating your body throughout the day, if you can’t complete this task with water, is to drink smoothies. Typically, and personally I like to drink smoothies in the morning. I feel like it’s a great start to my day and gives me a lot of energy to be able to be as active as I want to be throughout my day. Especially after a great workout session early in the morning. To make my smoothies I simply need two of ingredients:
- Fruit
- Ice
I know you may be wondering what kind of smoothie I can make with only fruit and ice. Let me just say that I love smoothies and make a variety of them depending on my mood, preferred taste for the morning, and of course what ingredients I have in my house. Usually my go-to smoothie drinks in the morning that I make with only fruit and ice is my Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie.
Literally the only ingredients I use for this smoothie are strawberries, kiwis, and ice. I blend them up all together in a blender and simply transfer it into a blender bottle that I am able to take with me on the go. If you’re interested in learning more about the different kind of wellness drinks that I like to consume throughout the day, check out my Free 5 Day Live Well Email Course to learn more!
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- Fitbit savvy
I absolutely love my Fitbit . I will admit that when Fitbits first stepped up on the scene I was one of those people who wanted to get my hands on one so bad. I really, really wanted a Fitbit because I had tricked myself into thinking that it would help me live a more active lifestyle. I just got my very first Fitbit earlier this year and I can confirm two things. One, it does help me live a more active lifestyle. Two, I am very satisfied with my investment.
Fitbits pretty much do the same thing across the board, just with a few different tweaks here and there with each new model. I have the Fitbit Alta HR in Rose Gold (it’s so pretty) and it tracks a lot of activity for me. My Fitbit:
- Monitors my heart rate
- Monitors my activity level throughout the day such as: (my steps, distance and calories burned, number of minutes I’m active, reminds me to move throughout the day, and tracks my hourly activity level)
- Monitors my sleeping habits: (sleep quality, time spent sleeping, time spent awake, time spent restless throughout the night)
- Tracks my workouts
That’s amazing right!?! I couldn’t agree more.
- Comfortable clothing can be fashionable
This one may seem a bit far-fetched but I promise you it makes all the difference. I know a lot of women who don’t feel like workout clothes are cute. I neither agree or disagree with this. I think that there are plenty of workout clothes that are very cute and colorful, but I don’t deny that there are some that just aren’t really all that attractive. However, I will say this, your taste in workout clothes is completely dependent upon what you consider to be cute or not. Also, workout clothing lines are getting better with their fashion print and making their clothing stand out more and be fashionable enough to literally rock anywhere, anytime, any day.
So, don’t be so quick to count them out!
On days when I’m going to be really busy, or I’m just too lazy to put on actual clothes I always slip on some good old workout clothes . The benefits of this are that they are comfortable, they are fashionable, and if you haven’t done your workout routine first thing in the morning, whenever you are ready to get that workout in you don’t have to change. You can just hop right to it.
Again, the style and taste of the clothing with vary from person to person, but there’s no denying that they are super comfortable to just lounge in all day. Plus, a lot of them are made of breathable fabric (I think that’s the correct term haha), so all your sweat is not being soaked into your clothing.
Related Posts: The Workout Routine You Need in Your Life Right Now: PITT28 Style!
- Properly fuel your body and it will thank you
I also talk about this a lot, getting a workout in before your day starts. Even if you are not able to sweat it out before your day starts, find some time during the day when you can get a good workout in. I’m a firm believer in the 15-minute rule, which just means all you need to create and maintain a healthy workout routine is 15-minutes of pure dedication to your body. Some people like to aim and cudos to those who do, but you don’t have to. I know that this can seem very intimidating and put a lot of unnecessary pressure on you to workout but ignore it. All you need at the very least is 15-minutes.
I love to do Pop Pilates whenever I can. A lot of the time when I am working out I watch Cassey’s, AKA Blogilates YouTube videos to get the job done. I mainly do this because I feel more motivated and empowered to workout when I have somebody to do it with me. Even though Cassey isn’t really at home with me working out, the simple fact that I can see her and the way her body moves makes me feel as though she is. I find it super encouraging and love it.
I also have Cassey’s PITT28 Program. PITT28 is Cassey’s Pilates Intense Interval Training. The mission? Become your fittest self in 28 minutes or less. These workouts are a little bit more challenging but it is broken down into stages for every workout intensity and level. In other words, literally anyone and everyone can do it, but you have been warned, even on the easiest PITT28 program (PITT 1.0), I personally find it to be very challenging.
However, the results and the way you will feel after every workout is so worth it! So, if you love a challenge I recommend you check out the link above if you’re interested in learning more!
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- Take the necessary steps to begin your day and soon you’ll be on your way (to greatness)
This approach is a little bit more laid back. Therefore, this is no excuse in the world why no one is able to do this at some point and time throughout their day. I love starting off my day by doing something for myself. Again, it’s very motivating, it gives the energy that I need right off the back to be able power through my day, and the most important part is that it’s a little bit of me-time before I have to share myself with everyone else.
If I’m not going to start off my day with a good workout session then I will resort to other mindful practices to start off my day. I have actually been doing these other practices a lot lately instead of working out simply because my sleep schedule has been inconsistent lately with me committing so much time to this special project of mines. So as of late I’ve been doing a lot of meditation, repeating of positive affirmations, and reading. Doing these things in the morning help put me in a positive and empowering headspace to tackle the day head on, and to keep going even when obstacles get in the way (which happens a lot).
I love reading it is absolutely one of my favorite activities to do. I am currently reading a ton of different books all at once, but the one book that has been serving me greatly this past month is How To Be A Bawse by Lilly Sigh. Now, if you don’t Lilly you need to discover her like right now because she is absolutely amazing. Her book is also filled with great tips, advice, and honest content about what it takes to be successful in your own right. Since this project was something that I have been doubting myself about being able to do a lot, I find having this book on hand to guide, encourage, and serve me along this process to be super helpful. If you’re interested in How To Be A Bawse I highly recommend you check it out.
Honestly, we all should be striving to stay on top of our physical wellness every day. I know this can be a challenge and at times a struggle, but the fact of the matter is when we don’t do the necessary things that need to be done for our physical wellness, in spite of all the obstacles that may be in our way, we’re really just finding excuses to NOT to do it. We’re neglecting our physical wellness and that does nothing for absolutely no one, especially ourselves.
Making your physical health a wellness priority will serve you greatly. Not just for a moment, but for a lifetime. You can bet on it!
See you soon love bugs!!