Are you feeling as if all this heat from the summer days is playing the role as a big contributor to not engage in self-care? If you are please don’t feel guilty about this because you are not alone. All the heat has been more than enough reason for me to hide away in my home I stead of being out in the sun, even if only for 15 minutes.
Not only had the heat been a big reason why I’ve been avoiding going outside lately, but it’s also been the reason I’ve been hiding away in my basement all summer. The heat can be felt literally from corner to corner, of every corner in my house, except for the basement.
You may be wondering why the basement is such a bad place to hide away. Well the answer is simple. My basement is very, very small which means that there are literally very few things that I am able to do. I can’t do yoga, I can try to meditate but because the basement is hated among 5 different people finding that peace and quiet pretty much doesn’t exist. I can’t work out because u have very little room to move, and I can’t even read a book because my basement has no windows, and the lights circuits do not work.
Are you starting to see my problem here? Well my very limited ability to consistently engage in self-care while I hide away from the sun in my basement gave reminded me of the limits that I was putting on myself. I had limited myself in being able to engage in self-care because of the simple fact that I had very little room to participate in the self-care activities that fulfill me.
Just the other morning I was reminded that self-care can and does come in many different shapes, sizes, and formats. It’s good to have a couple of main activities that you thoroughly enjoy, but it’s not really useful to only limit yourself to those few activities all the time.
I needed to break free of that this weekend because my mind, body, and soul was clearly missing out on actively engaging in my daily wellness routine. So what did I do? I went to Michael’s and got some tools for an exciting project that I’m working in, I brought a new sketch book for my drawings, I did some grocery shopping, and I even painted me nails. I did all of this in the blazing heat and while my body was screaming for me to hide away and create as little movement as possible, everything else was screaming thank you…
…because self-care is extremely important. It doesn’t matter if its rain or shine, we owe it to ourselves to engage in wellness on a daily basis. So in honor of that, I’ve made a list of 50 fun self-care activities that you can do no matter what the weather is like.
1. Pamper your skin. It doesn’t matter if you do this with a face mask, a DIY face mask, or you just wash your face with facial cleaning products. Cleanse the skin.
2. Paint your nails. It’s something so simple and quick but somehow relaxing.
3. Meditate your life away. You can literally do this anywhere so long as you have the peace and quiet to come with it.
4. Netflix and relax by yourself or with a friend who also needs some tender love and care.
5. Listen to music. My current obsession right now is listening to the amazing vocals of JoJo.
6. Go for a walk or a nice stroll in the park. If you’ve got a dog bring them along for the fun.
7. Nap part of the day away. It may seem juvenile but us adults now understand the power in getting some sleep.
8. Cleaning for some may be therapeutic for others it may be an unfavorable chore. To each their own.
9. Treat yourself to a spa day. This can be in the privacy of your own home, or at an actual spa resort.
10. Speaking of spa how does a massage sound? It sounds absolutely wonderful.
11. Write 10 positive affirmations in a journal or notebook every day. You can do this either before you go to bed, or when you wake up in the morning.
12. Clean out your closet and get rid of clothes that you haven’t worn in years. Donate them to charity or give them to someone in your life who you now could really use the clothes.
13. Give food to the homeless or families that you know who may need the food. This can be left over food that you are not going to eat, or you can go the extra mile and prepare food to give simply out of the kindness of your heart.
14. Choose to be that person who is complimenting everyone in your life. The truth of the matter is when we compliment others it makes us feel good as well. Especially if we receive a compliment in return.
15. Take a Pilates class. This doesn’t have to be super hardcore or intensive, there are plenty of beginner Pilates classes to go around.
16. Go to the gym. Even if it’s just to participate in a free trial for one week.
17. Gym hop. If you enjoy testing out different gyms while also getting a good sweat in, why not take advantage of all the free 1-week trials.
18. If you’re into dancing and working out take a Zumba class at your local gym. Most of them are free and if they’re not they’re usually no more than a $30 charge (but check with your gym to make sure).
19. Call a loved one or someone important in your life and just say “Hi”.
20. The next time you’re in the store or buying coffee, donate some money to whatever charity event they may have going on for the month. Or leave a tip for their service.
21. Send a care package to someone you love. Fill the package with all the things you guys like to do together and then do it.
22. Go an entire day without any technology. It will be life changing.
23. Watch awesome videos on YouTube. Like this one by IISuperwomanII, who herself is very awesome.
24. Participate in random acts of kindness, like filling up someone else’s car meter.
25. Get creative. Write an essay about self-care, draw a picture of your favorite flower, or take a ceramics class just for fun.
26. Play with your fur buddy and by fur buddy I mean your dog. If you don’t have a dog just play with your pet, or someone else’s pet.
27. Start a random conversation with someone about the meaning of life. Or perhaps about the little things in life that you are grateful for.
28. Change up the style of your home. Paint a room or rearrange furniture.
29. Set aside 5 minutes of every hour of the day and check in with yourself. What are your current thoughts and feelings? Process them.
30. Go to the movies all by yourself. As scary as this may seem, it’s actually really fun.
31. Learn a new dance move, even if you do look silly doing it.
32. Get your sober karaoke on. Do it by yourself or with a group of friends.
33. Take a cooking class.
34. Challenge yourself to make this unicorn cake by Rosanna Pansino.
35. Spends hours doing something you love, like your hobby of reading a good book at the park while listening to children play.
36. Play a video game, even if you suck. Little Big Planet is always a good place to start.
37. Go to a support group and listen to the stories of others.
38. Listen to a podcast about something you have an interest in.
39. Write a short story about the perfect day.
40. Write a short story about a dream you had. Details are everything.
41. Write a “How To” guide that you feel you could give someone else excellent advice about.
42. Plant flowers that you brought from the store.
43. Start growing your own flowers. Go to the store and buy the seeds of the flower of your choice and watch it bloom over the next couple of months.
44. Start a vegetable garden in your yard.
45. Create a schedule of exotic foods to eat for an entire week.
46. Spend some quality time with the children in your life. They do an awesome job of reminding us of the days when life was care-free and that’s how we all lived life.
47. Challenge yourself to drink 6-8 glasses of water in a day.
48. Make an inspiration collage of all the things that inspire you to live your best life,
49. Create a vision board of all the places you’d love to travel to someday.
50. Host a family movie night this weekend. Gather all your family members, some good movies to watch, and all the junk food you can afford.
Self-care is so important and it’s a very vital part of our lives. If you don’t do enough self-care on a daily basis, well now you don’t really have an excuse not to. Right?
Related Posts: Why It’s Important to Prioritize Your Self-Care
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See you soon love bug.