Yeah, you know the feeling I’m talking about 😊. Everyone has experienced this level of happiness at some point and time in their life, right? If not well sorry to say but you’re missing out! If so (which I think it can be safe to say yes for just about everyone), chances are if you know the feeling I’m talking about then you also agree that you never want that feeling to go away. Well you are not alone because I too never want that feeling to go away.
It’s such a privilege to experience a level of happiness such as this one. It’s a privilege because in order to truthfully experience a blissful moment means that you have allowed yourself to let go of all the negativity. You have given yourself the gift of being stress free, of not letting other peoples’ problems become your problems, and most important the gift of putting yourself first. I cannot stress enough how important it is to look after yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In other words, if you’re not going to make a habit of putting yourself first, at least make a habit of engaging in self-care as often as you possibly can.
Self-care needs to be a priority in your life, and if it isn’t already then, it’s time to make it one.
Lately I’ve been slowly getting back into the practice of actively engaging in self-care. I try to do this on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes. If I can’t get a solid 15 minutes in, I try to engage in self-care throughout my day. I never realized how often I took myself for granted, let alone the emotional and physical toll my mind and body been under these past couple of months.
I never realized it because I’ve been constantly on the go, busy living my life and doing the things that need to get done in order for me to live my life. As a result of this I’ve come to learn that my mind and body have been under a lot of stress, and with me failing to take the necessary time to recharge and re-center myself, I never really had the opportunity to truly start each day with a relaxed and clear state of mind.
I’ve always been a huge advocate for self-care because I know the amazing benefits that can come from giving that gift to yourself. I’ve also always been the type of person to push self-care onto others, even though I would rarely engage in it myself. For a long time, I did not realize that while I was making sure everyone else was taking care of themselves, I was failing to take care of myself. I didn’t realize this because my body had become accustomed to living and operating under a very busy, nonstop lifestyle.
I do not want that you and I hope that you do not want that for yourself. I’m going to take a wild guess and say that since you are reading this, you don’t want that for yourself either. So, do not continue to give ourselves the unpleasant gift of lacking contentment. Instead, lets wrap this baby up in a pretty big bow and give ourselves the gift of fulfillment.
If you’ve made it this far then you may be wondering how you can prioritize your self-care. Am I right? Well, that’s the easy part. You can prioritize your self-care by changing your environment from a stressful, chaotic, or busy one to a more quiet and blissful one. You also began the process of creating a habit of engaging in self-care. This habit begins to slowly develop by simply engaging in the act as often as you possibly can. Why is it important to prioritize your self-care? That’s an easy one too. The more we engage self-care the closer w get to reaching our full potential on a daily basis.
I’ve created three golden rules to live by when it comes to self-care and prioritizing it. I bet you’re wondering what those three golden rules are, aren’t you? Well look no further and wonder no more because I’m going to share them with you right now.
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#1 It’s a part of wellness
Wellness and self-care are one in the same. When we engage in wellness we are also engaging in self-care and vice versa. Wellness is good for the mind, body, and soul. It can be life changing if you allow everything that this practice can give you, be a vital part of your life. Wellness isn’t another healthy practice that doctors and health experts alike want you to participate in simply to improve your health. Oh no. Wellness is so much more than that. The key to understanding and effectively engaging in wellness is to trust that when you choose to do so, you are giving multiple areas of your life a chance to thrive with maximum effort.
This means that you are giving you mind, your body, and your spirit a chance to be in balance with one another. You are allowing yourself to have the opportunity to take quality time for yourself and pour positive energy into your atmosphere. This is important because what we put out in the universe will always come back to us. If you put out positive energy you will receive positive energy in return. That’s what wellness is about and when you make your self-care a priority, you make your wellness a priority. When your wellness evokes positive energy that energy will be recycled back into your atmosphere.
#2 It keeps your stress and anxiety levels low
A big reason why self-care is so important is because it helps you experience less stress and anxiety. Think about it. Whenever you may be experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety nothing ever seems to get done. You always feel as though you are giving and giving and receiving nothing in return. Life seems like an endless cycle of just paying bills, taking care of the children, going to work and repeating this cycle all over again. It feels like no matter how hard you try you can never catch a break.
You are not alone. Everyone feels this way when they are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety. That’s why engaging in self-care is so important. When you engage in self-care you will experience more of the highs in life, than the lows, and who doesn’t want that. This means that you will be in a much better place mentally, physically, and emotionally to do things that are fulfilling to you and can place you right in the center of those blissful moments.
#3 You will gain perspective
I don’t know about you but when I have a clear head on my shoulders everything in my life makes so much more sense to me. This can be true for just about anyone. Engaging in self-care can help you develop a healthy and clear perspective on just about anything and everything in your life. You will be able to make clear decisions, avoid the bad before letting it completely consume you, and allow yourself to truthfully be more present in every moment.
The power that engaging in self-care can give you is the power truly knowing yourself, inside and out. When you have a deeper understanding of who you are, you are able to operate and function in the world according to what is BEST for you. When you are able to do this you able to give yourself the freedom to live your life for yourself without any expectations or apologies. After all, self-care is looking after yourself so that you are able to look after others. Why not take everything this practice has to offer and implement it in your life by using it to your advantage in every opportunity given to you.
The bottom line is self-care is important and everyone should make it a priority for themselves. Speaking from personal experience, the more you engage in self-care the greater your overall quality of life will be. This means you will experience more energy on a daily basis, you feel more relaxed in moments when you are not working too hard (and maybe even in moments when you are). You will begin to experience less stress, and you will be more motivated to participate in activities that you truly enjoy. When you prioritize your self-care you are prioritizing yourself, and that’s what’s really important. Always.
Do you agree? Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on self-care.
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