Man, these past couple of weeks have been super busy for me! I started a new class in my graduate program, I’ve been working hard with putting the finishing touches on my graduation project from my acting class (it’s a little bittersweet), and I’ve been dealing with end of the school year/the start of summer break activities for the little 5-year-old in my life. Needless to say, I have been busy! So, let’s spend some time catching up with one another.
Fist graduate school. I still can’t believe that I am going for the gold. I’m getting my PsyD (Doctor of Psychology Degree) and it still hasn’t hit me that I’m actually doing it. I thought I was done with school after I got my Master’s. I did a pretty good job convincing myself that I was. Somehow my mother managed to talk me into continuing on to get the highest degree possibly, and somehow like I fool I managed to fall for it. I don’t regret it…most days, but I know ultimately it will be an accomplishment I will be glad I followed through on. It’s just right now with how busy my life is and everything that I’m trying to do and keep up with, school just seems to sort of be in the way. Luckily, I go to school online so I can get the work done on my time when I have the time. That creates less pressure and allows me to have more space to fill up the free time that I do have fulfilling other commitments in my life.
I value education everyone so please don’t get me wrong, but if you’ve been in school YOUR WHOLE LIFE, and I’m talking preschool to elementary, to junior high to high school, straight to college and graduating in four years, straight to graduate school and getting your Master’s in a year in a half, and then right back to graduate school three months later with at least another two to three years ahead of you…then you know exactly what I’m talking about! It sounds exhausting, it was exhausting writing all that out, and it’s exhausting even thinking about it! But all it’s all for a greater purpose. So even though at the moment I’m over being in school, I will see it through because I wouldn’t have made the commitment if it wasn’t going to benefit my future.
My acting class is going great, and by great, I mean I’m in the final stages of seeing all my hard work come to life. It’s so bittersweet to know that my two years of training under one of the greatest acting teachers ever is coming to an end. I’m so happy and ready for the next chapter in my acting career, but I’m also a little scared and more nervous about being in this industry if I’m being honest. The Meisner technique is no joke guys. It’s authentic acting and just like everything else we learn in this life, to do it properly, effective, and authentically you have to work those skills and techniques like a muscle. That is perhaps the hardest part of the entire Meisner technique, constantly using everything you learn so that it becomes a muscle you just work without having to try hard to work it.
Regardless of that I’m so happy that two years ago I walked through the doors of Lea Marlene Actors Studio, participated in an hour-long session of yoga (which at the time I did not like doing), and showed up to class every week. Why? Because everything I experienced in the past two years at that studio helped me rediscover a lot of my deepest passions in life, one of them being my longtime love for acting. So literally in two weeks I will be graduating from the program and putting on an amazing showcase with all my fellow Meisner actors and showing our lovely guest what this technique is all about. We’ve been hard at work putting together this great show, perfecting (as perfect as perfect can get) our Meisner skills, and it’s all been keeping me on my toes! An actor’s job is never done, even when we’re not on set. If you didn’t know well now you know.
Finally, school it out and summer break has begun! This amazing and super hyperactive 5-year-old in my life has wasted no time in getting the party started. This past week he caught a nasty little bug so we’ve been working hard with getting rid of whatever it is he has. In spite of that he has managed to keep me busy. So far, it’s been a lot of watching Dragon Ball Z, The Iron Giant, and eating plenty of food (talk about a growth spurt). I know that our days will only get busier as summer break moves along, but we’re gonna be alright. Got some really fun activities planned so it will be a summer to remember.
Somehow through all the craziness of these past couple of weeks I managed to stay afloat and remain a normal functioning human being. Honestly every night when I go to bed I’m shocked that I don’t immediately pass out! I’m not entirely sure how I managed to survive these past couple of weeks, because I’ll be honest I neglected my mental health A LOT during those moments of stress (everything was fun and happening at the right moment but there was a lot of stress involved as well), but somehow, I made it out alive and in one piece.
Related Content: 31 Ways You Can Take Care of Your Mental Health
I once talked about why our mental health is so important and the various ways in which we can ensure we are taking care of our mental health. You can read all about that here. With the rush of these past couple of weeks I was reminded of how important our mental health really is. I usually try to do a lot for my mental health on a daily basis but this usually doesn’t work out in my favor. So, as I’m sure you can imagine this looks different on an inconsistent basis (but I promise I’m working at getting better with being more consistent) but usually it’s along the lines of doing anything that brings me great satisfaction and a calming piece of mind.
Fun random fact: Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? See everything does happen for a reason, and when it’s meant to.
Some days I like to just read, other days I like to take a really long hot shower. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to look after your mental health on a consistent basis. Looking after your mental health can mean a lot of different things. Don’t be quick to think this means you have to see a therapist or talk to somebody about your feelings. While this approach may work for some, it doesn’t work for everyone, and it must certainly doesn’t work all the time.
As I mentioned above I do a lot of different things to look after my mental health. So, in honor of committing to being more consistent with my mental health routine and reminding myself yet again to slow down and catch my breath from the craziness of this world, I’m sharing with you four effective ways I take care of my mental health.
Be a part of nature
I know it may sound silly but the outdoors is so good for us! There’s something about being immersed in nature that really brings a strong sense of calmness in your life. When I say being immersed in nature I mean no technology what so ever. No cell phones (or at least make the decision to not be on your phone), no computers, and honestly don’t even take a music playing device of any kind with you. Just allow yourself to be one with mother nature and take in your surroundings. I promise you will discover a calmness like you’ve never know before and with enough practice of this activity you will find your life being transformed in ways you never thought possible.
Pamper yourself
There’s nothing like setting aside some time to treat yourself to a self-care day. Don’t go out looking for some professional to give you this special treatment. Instead, give this to yourself in the privacy (and comfort) of your own home! Do your nails, your hair, lay down and relax in bed or on the floor, cook yourself a nice intimate meal, give yourself a nice hot bubble bath, anything that you find is calming for you. I have often times discovered that the best way to pamper yourself is to finally pay attention to the areas of your mind, spirit, and body that you may have been neglecting, and just show it some TLC.
Related Content: 3 Disciplines Everyone Needs: Self-Love, Self-Worth, & Self-Control
Binge watch your favorite TV show
This may not be the most effective way to take care of your mental health, but I promise you there is a sense of calm that can come with it. Find a day and some much-needed me time, where you can block out the world and all responsibilities for the day and just watch TV. I like to binge watch some of my favorite shows on Netflix. As of late it’s been Shameless, Friends, and even going back to my childhood and watching Total Drama Island (so much drama haha). Whatever your poison dive deep into it. Again, it may not be the most mentally active way to distract and recharge your mind, but it most certainly is a great way to rediscover your passions and purpose in life. So, in my book this counts as a mental health day.
Surround yourself with positive people
I know I said you can look after your mental health without talking to someone one on one, and I still stand by that. However, surrounding yourself with positive people is different. In a situation like this you just simply surround yourself with people who feed motivation, creativity, positivity, and above all support into your life. The people who know you best and accept and love every fatal part of you simply because it’s what makes you, you. These are also the people you can simply just be with without having to contribute to anything if your heart does not desire to do so. Having relationships like can be very beneficial because they allow you to recharge and refuel in a way that doesn’t come across and intimidating or pressuring, and honestly even necessary in some cases.
Life gets crazy and those crazy moments get in the way sometimes. We forget to slow down and just breathe. We forget to catch our breath, to recharge and refuel and before we know it we find ourselves crashing and burning. This is reality and it is completely unavoidable. However, that’s never an excuse to neglect our mental health. I’m working on getting better with looking after my mental health and I hope this post inspires you to do the same.
See you soon!