So as of late I’ve learned something very important about myself. I suck at getting shit done. What does this mean? It means that I suck at completing most of the tasks that I need to complete in a day. Every day when I wake up in the morning I always make a mental checklist of what needs to get done for the day…
Mental Checklist Example:
- Take Bubba to school
- Feed the dog
- Wash the car
- Drop off donation clothes
- Take out something for dinner
- Clean house
- Pick up Bubba from school
- Cook dinner
- Bathe Bubba
- Bedtime!
…but the entire checklist never gets done. Yes, life gets in the way at times and things that were not expected or planned happen, but this is not why I never get through my entire mental checklist 98% of the time.
I never get through my mental checklist because I’m always distracted by something! What happens when I get distracted? My mind starts wondering and thinking about things that have nothing to do with what I need to get done for the day. So instead of this…
What My Mental Checklist Should Look Like
- Take Bubba to school – Complete
- Feed the dog – Complete
- Wash the car – Complete
- Drop off donation clothes – Complete
- Take out something for dinner – Complete
- Clean house – Complete
- Pick up Bubba from school – Complete
- Cook dinner – Complete
- Bathe Bubba – Complete
- Bedtime! – Complete
…this is what my day usually looks like…
What My Mental Checklist Actually Looks Like
- Take Bubba to school – Complete
- Feed the dog – Complete
- Wash the car
- Drop off donation clothes
- Take out something for dinner – Complete
- Clean house
- Pick up Bubba from school – Complete
- Cook dinner
- Bathe Bubba
- Bedtime! – Complete
As a result of this I always find myself adding tasks that I was not able to complete for the day onto my mental checklist for the next day. This leaves me with more tasks to complete in a day, because I find myself constantly moving tasks over from list to list, day by day.
I finally got fed up with it! Constantly having to play catch up in my life with completing simple tasks for the day was taking a major toll on me. So I decided to finally do something about it.
I created my very own Get Shit Done Today Bundle as a daily reminder to Get Shit Done. The bundle has everything that you need to…
- complete all your tasks for the day
- stay on top of all your tasks for the week
- keep track of all your monthly goals
No matter how big or small those tasks may be, this organizer bundle is sure to help you Get Shit Done.
The Get Shit Done Today Bundle includes
- A Weekly Planner Sheet
- A Daily To-Do List
- Monthly Goals Sheet
If you need something like this in your life, I’ve got you covered 😊. The Get Shit Done Today Bundle is completely free! Check below for more info!
See you soon love bugs!