Happy super late Easter!
Seriously I know I’m super late but I can explain, and I will explain in just a little bit. But first…
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday (if you celebrate Easter). My Easter, like most of my holiday celebrations, was ok. Nothing special happened. The night before I put together cute little Easter baskets for my niece and nephew. I also colored some eggs with my nephew (I actually don’t like this part of this tradition, I just think it’s so boring). Of course, my nephew made a point to remind me several times to hide the eggs to he can go and hunt for them, so that’s the first thing I did in the morning.
The day of Easter I had a quiet dinner with my family, played some video games with my older brother, and watched Jumanji. The 2017 Jumanji. If you have not seen that movie yet I’m telling you now, you are missing out! That movie is absolutely hilarious! I saw it in theatres on my birthday last year and absolutely loved it. So naturally when it came out on DVD, I made sure to get it.
And for those Jumanji fans out there who have yet to see the 2017 version…yes…it’s just as good as the original one :). However, we all know that there’s nothing like a classic!
So, here’s why I’m super late on wishing you all a Happy Easter, and why I have not been active on the blog lately. I’ve been out of touch with my life lately. What I mean by that is that I have been really sick these past two weeks.
I’ve been sick a lot lately but man, this round was just complete hell for me. I got sick with strep throat followed by a really nasty cough. So as a result of that I’ve been stuck in bed, in the house, all day every day trying to keep my faith alive. A lot of things happen to us when we are sick, or at least it does for me. Like I said, I lose touch with reality (to some extent) and for the most part I lose all sense of time and space. I can’t tell right from left or up from down. Hell, I could barely stand on my own two feet.
While I would usually embrace a sick day off, this time around I did not. And here’s why.
I was literally stuck in bed all day! Seriously all I did was sleep. I’d wake up in the morning, do some hygiene, and go right back to sleep. Wake up just to go back to sleep. Luckily this past week was Spring break for my nephew because my bed was my best friend and by far my biggest comfort for these past two weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I love to sleep and with my busy, busy days with two toddlers and a 7-month-old all day, I would usually jump at the opportunity to sleep all day. But not this time. This time I would have given anything to not be in bed all day.
Another thing that sucked about being sick was that I could not eat anything! The only thing I could seem to get down my throat was ice cream, but even that didn’t sit in my stomach too well. Within minutes I would throw it all up. Any other food I tried to eat it just wouldn’t go down. No matter how hard I tried (and I did try very hard many times) I could not get anything to go past my throat without it feeling like glass was slicing my throat.
The last thing that really sucked about these past two weeks was that I was constantly throwing up! Even though I had no food in my system, just a ton of water, I was throwing up all the time. And it was painful, very, very painful. I’d cough and throw up. Drink a bottle of water and throw up. Take my medicine for my throat and throw up. It was a never-ending cycle of struggling to eat, struggling to stay awake, and just puking for no reason at all.
Now that I’ve gotten over my strep throat, I’m left with this very vicious cough. It hurts my throat like hell, and sometimes it’s very hard to cough and not throw up just a little (seriously I can’t seem to not throw up for anything!). But it’s a hell of a lot better than strep throat. I wouldn’t trade this nasty cough for another day of strep throat. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever!
These past two weeks have been hell for me! I’m so happy that I’m finally starting to feel better and that I’m getting back to feeling like myself. Even though I know I haven’t, I feel like I’ve missed out on a lot as of late. I don’t know why but I think it’s just because I’m so use to doing so much throughout my day. So being stuck in bed these past two weeks I feel like a lot of time has passed by, and I’ve missed out on a lot. Even though I know the reality is that I have not. However, I’ve convinced myself that I have a lot of catching up to do in the lives of those around me, haha.
While I was sick I tried really hard to get better by doing three things.
1. Engage in activities I enjoy as often as possible and when my energy allowed me to
2. Think positive thoughts
3. Stay hydrated
For the most part this seemed to work for me. I obviously did not get better overnight, but it did help me not think about how badly my throat was hurting. I spent some much-needed time reading the book A Million Little Pieces and catching up on some TV shows on Netflix. I know I said I spent a lot of time sleeping, and I did, but for the moments that I was able to stay awake (which wasn’t many haha), I was watching Charmed on Netflix.
By the way I love me some Charmed! I have memories of my dad watching this show every morning before I had to leave to go to school, and even though I barely understood anything that was happening, I was highly entertained! So when I discovered the entire series on Netflix I had to start a binge-watching session. And I do not regret it.
It was hard to think positive most of the time while I was sick simply because I felt like crap all the time. But I greeted each day with a positive intention and ended each day with a positive intention for the next day. I may have had some slip ups throughout the day, such as thinking that I would never get better, but what’s matters most to me is that I did not start my day nor end my day with those negative thoughts. So that was a win for me each and every day! I also somehow managed to get schoolwork done. That was by far the biggest struggle for me! It was very hard for me to find the energy to concentrate for at least one hour a day on schoolwork so that I wouldn’t fall behind. I don’t know how I did it, but I did.
Now here I am two weeks later and man I feel like a new woman! Spring has fallen upon us and that means it’s time to let new adventures blossom. I’m starting off my Spring season by putting my health first. I have been saying for the past year now that I want to be more conscious of my health, physically and mentally. I started this year off really well by consistently working out and eating a lot healthier than I usually do and making sure that I was getting plenty of sleep. When I was doing all of this I was feeling absolutely amazing from the inside out! Now that this nasty bug has left me, I want to get back in that groove.
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So here’s what I’m planning to do this Spring season to stay on top of my overall health.
Drink plenty of water
This has not been a big problem for me for the past couple of years, and especially not the past couple of weeks, but I want to keep this momentum going. So I’m going to ensure that I am fueling my body with as much water as I possibly can throughout the day. My personal goal is to drink at least 1 gallon of water a day. Will I be able to do it? I guess we will all just have to stick around and find out.
Consistently workout
Working out every day for at least 15 minutes has always been a struggle for me. I’ve gotten better with it lately, but I still struggle with it. However, I’m modifying this goal a little. Instead of working out every day I’m going to commit to working out at least 3 days a week. For those three days I want to try to incorporate at least 28 minutes of cardio. Sounds very challenging right now but I know I’m capable of achieving it. I just have to keep myself motivated.
Sleep, sleep, sleep
I really need to get back to ensuring that I’m getting my beauty rest every night. I’m going to make a schedule that I can follow throughout the day. That schedule will consist of important times for important activities in my life, such as making sure that dinner is served no later than 5pm every evening and ensuring that I am in bed with the TV off no later than 8pm, to help me achieve my sleeping goal. If I’m being honest right now, getting in bed without any distraction by 8pm will more than likely not happen, and if it does it probably won’t last for a while. However, I’m still going to try.
Eat better
This has always been a struggle for me and honestly, I think it will always be a struggle for me. However. I haven’t thrown in the towel yet. Since realistically I just can’t wake up and change my diet, I’m going to start small and slowly work my way up. My goal this Spring is to start off by including more fruits, nuts, and vegetables in my diet throughout the day.
It’s all a very slow start, but also a very simple one. Slow and simple, that’s what my life needs right now. Here’s to new Spring beginnings! I can’t wait to see where our journey will take us this season.
Until next time love bugs!!